41 - first test

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first test 

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first test 

Hana couldn't stop glancing at him as they walked next to each other towards the aquarium. While he had been telling her about how hard their practices were lately and how glad he was to take a break, she just stayed quiet, listening to everything.

She never was much of a talker, so it was always great when she had to hang out with people alone because of the awkward silence, but it felt different with him. She felt as if even if they ran out of things to say, nothing could change. They would still be just them and would enjoy each other's presence.

"You have to work later, right?" He wondered, bringing her back to reality. "Yep, I am looking after two eight-year-olds. I am not sure when I'll get back home though, so I probably won't be able to see you until tomorrow," Hana explained, her smile slowly disappearing. She really wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.

"Well, what if I tag along? If that's even possible. I mean, I don't necessarily know how to take care of kids, but I am sure I'd do great with you by my side."

Hana smiled again, nodding to him. "I can ask the parents if they would mind. I am pretty sure it will be possible though they are probably the nicest pair I work for."

"You'll have to pay for the fact I need to call them though," she added, making him chuckle. "Don't laugh, I really do hate calls."

"I wouldn't laugh at you," Seungmin shook his head in disagreement, but his statement didn't stay true for long, and he ended up laughing, making her roll her eyes at him.

"Carefully or I might call you a liar," she chuckled, too. She shook her head at him, unable to hide her smile as she looked around, trying to figure out where they were right now to see how much longer it would take them to get to the aquarium.

It's been a while since she felt this good, and she was glad it was with him.

Seungmin carefully observed all the fish in the water, smiling under his mask. He felt happy, too. He has been texting her for months, and he could only imagine anything like this, but he was here now, waiting for his girlfriend to come out of the bathroom so they could continue their date.

Hana stood in the bathroom, leaning on the wall as she waited for her best friend's response to her messages. Truth was, she was freaking out. Her last date was with Izzy when they were still in high school, and she had no idea what to do.

What stressed her even more though was the fact he was going to come to her work. How people acted towards children was a big deal to her, and she was certain it could even be a deal breaker if it went really wrong.

soulmate ★

[ 14:56 ]

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