42 - cute photos

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cute photos 

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cute photos 

"Did you have fun?" He wondered, his hands in his pockets as they walked out. "A lot," she answered with a smile, looking around one last time. Then her eyes caught the place. "How about one last stop?" Hana suggested, pointing towards the souvenir place. "Sure," he chuckled, finding her cute.

The two of them walked into the souvenir shop, quietly looking around. Hana's eyes automatically fell on the plushie section, eyeing the plush orca on the side. It reminded her of the one she used to have when she was little. She wasn't sure where it ended up but she was certain she probably didn't want to know anyway.

"Is there anything you want?" Seungmin asked, looking around to see if anything would catch his eye. "Actually," she started hesitantly. "There should be a photo booth on the other side," she explained, awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck. "So maybe we could...go there?" She suggested.

He chuckled at how cute she was, nodding. "Let's go take some cute pics," he smiled at her, his smile assuring her it was okay to express things like that around him.

The two made their way through the shop, finding the photo booth Hana was talking about. They walked inside the booth, closing the curtains before Seungmin took down his mask and hat. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to. I just thought it could be cute," Hana looked at him, making sure he wanted to do this with her.

"Hana, I might want to do this more than you actually. I promise the first thing I will do when I get back to Korea is put our pictures on the wall above my desk so I can look at you every time I am in my room," he proclaimed, making her worries turn into a smile.

Hana quickly inserted her money into the booth, picking a color for them before she took a step back to stand next to him. Their first three photos went well, with the two of them just being cute together until the last countdown started. "What now, just smile? Heart?" Hana wondered, her head filled up with ideas.

"Nana," Seungmin said casually, making her look at him. "How about this instead?" Before Hana could ask what he was thinking about she saw the male leaning closer to her, his hand making its way to her cheek as he placed his lips on hers right on time for the last photo.

Seungmin pulled away once he heard the photo being taken, teasingly smiling at her before he put on his hat and mask again, chuckling when he saw the needy look in her eyes. "Let's go, we don't have that much time," he said, still smiling.

"You're terrible," she mumbled, sulking a bit. He just shook his head at her, opening the curtains again and walking out, Hana following him right after. Even though she wanted to look mad that he pulled away so fast before she could even kiss him back, she couldn't hide her smile when she looked at the finished pictures.

"You look so cute on the last one," he chuckled, looking at the pictures. "Sure," she shook her head, reaching out her hand towards him to take his copy away. "Give it to me, I'll put it into my bag so it doesn't get ruined," she proclaimed and he proudly handed it to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder so they could go.

"Do you still want to go with me to look after the kids? I am sure you could hang out with someone else too if you want," she asked, looking up at him. "I am certain, Nana. But one last thing before we finally go, there's something I want to buy you."

"You want to buy me something? I don't need anything," she shook her head, panicking. "Calm down, I want to give it to you, I saw you eyeing that plushie before. You were looking at the orca, right? Let me buy this one thing for you."

"Okay.." she mumbled, looking away to hide her smile. It was crazy how much she was smiling when she was with Seungmin. She was aware that it hadn't even been that long for her to be able to make any assumptions, but she had a feeling she finally found the right person for her. There was simply something about everything that happened today and all the days before when they were only texting.

Hana held the orca tightly in her right hand, making sure she wouldn't lose it while she held Seungmin's hand in the other one, walking through the busy streets of London to get to the house on time. Something in her felt excited but nervous at the same time. She kept wondering how the girls would react to him. If they would like him just as much as she does, or if they wouldn't want to play with him and she would regret bringing him along.

She might have been overthinking this more than anything before.

"Alright, this is it," she informed him, stopping in front of a light brown house, already hearing the girls' screams from the garden. He nodded towards her, letting go of her hand so she could walk in first.

The black-haired girl made her way through the front gate, heading to the garden behind the house with the puppy-like boy right behind her, following her as if he was her tail. "Good afternoon," she bowed slightly, making the parents look her way. "Hana, hello," the woman smiled brightly, getting up from her seat to greet her. "Sophie, Emy, Hana is here!" Their dad called at the two kids, and the next thing Seungmin saw was two brown-haired girls running to their babysitter, screaming happily and saying hello.

"You must be the boy she told us so much about," The brown-haired woman smiled as she walked to him. "Be nice to her. She is someone everyone wants in their lives," she informed him. Seungmin nodded to her. "I am aware, miss. And I know I am lucky to be with her," he smiled, taking off his mask to look more approachable. 

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