38 - crazy menace

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crazy menace  

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crazy menace  

The black haired girl glanced back at the table with her two best friends, noticing Izzy already looking at her. And before she knew, her phone buzzed with a new message from no one other than the brunette.

Hana looked towards the line, checking where Seungmin was before she took her phone, opening the messages between her and her best friend. 

soulmate ★

[ 9:32 ]

soulmate ★ 
are you gonna be okay
on your own?? 

soulmate ♥ 
I surely hope so 

soulmate ★ 

soulmate ♥ 
It will be fine 

It's just Seungmin 

It's not like I would be in love 
with him or something 

Please, do not try to tell me I am 
in fact in love with him. I know I 
am, I just need to calm my mind a 
bit before he comes back  

He went to order me a coffee
by the way 

soulmate ★ 
you admitted it ahhh 

soulmate ♥ 
I guess I really did huh 

soulmate ★ 
My girl is in loveeeee 

soulmate ♥ 
pay attention to your boyfriend 

soulmate ★ 

My girl just told me she is in 
love with a boy whom I know 
likes her back 

This is big 

soulmate ♥ 
I am just gonna stop answering 

soulmate ★ 

I am gonna rename you in 
my contacts  

soulmate ♥ 
I can do the same yknow 

soulmate ★ 
Fuck u 😔</3 

soulmate ♥ 
No, you can't do that
anymore <3 

soulmate ★ 
Oh god, since when do you 
make sexual jokes?? 

soulmate ♥ 
It's your fault 

Now go pay attention to Hyunjin 

I'll manage 

And we'll talk later 

soulmate ★ 
Alright alright 

If anything just go to the 
bathroom and I'll come to 

soulmate ♥ 
Thank you <3 

I love you, Izzy 

soulmate ★ 
I love you more <33  

Hana put her phone down again, this time screen down so she wouldn't get distracted in case Izzy - or anyone else - would text her again. She wasn't actually sure if she was going to be okay, but she intended on trying at least. She needed to take the chance and finally have a talk with him face to face. She wanted to figure out if this could go anywhere or not after all.

Seungmin returned to the table and placed two hot drinks in front of them. "Here's your latte. I remember you saying you love vanilla, so I got you a vanilla latte. I hope you like it," he said, moving his cup closer to himself.

A huge smile appeared on her face, and she tried to hide it by looking down at the table as she brought her cup closer to her as well. He remembered the little details she shared with him. It was truly impossible to not fall for him.

"Thank you," she mumbled, looking back up at him again. The front pieces of her hair were getting in front of her glasses, making it a bit annoying for her, but she couldn't bring herself to move them out of her sight. She felt as if everything might disappear if she did.

"No problem," he smiled at her, just admiring her from his place. Anyone passing by could tell he was stupidly in love with the girl in front of him, he wasn't even trying to hide it. He didn't want to hide it. "Sorry for taking you away, by the way."

"What? I don't mind," she proclaimed, shaking her hands in the air to prove her point. He chuckled, unable to take his eyes off of her. He was finally with her, and he could see how adorable she was in person. He was finding a new reason to be in love with her every minute. 

"Still, I am sure you wanted to talk to others too and not just me. But I wanted to be a little selfish and have you just for myself, if I am honest. I like it better this way. When you're just with me and no one else." Hana's cheeks turned pink as she was listening to him. The way just a few words of his could make her this flustered was still unbelievable to her.

"I like it this way too," she mumbled, holding onto her cup tighter, as if it was going to run somewhere. "I like being with you, minnie."

The older boy smiled again, titling his head a bit to the side. "I like being with you too, nana," he assured her. "I like you."

"Are you sure you do?" She asked as if it was the first time he told her so. "Yes, Hana. I am sure I do. I have no doubts about that," he nodded to her. "In fact, I know I've never liked anyone more than I like you. You are the first girl I ever felt like this with." 

"You're crazy. A menace. A crazy menace," she started mumbling again, her last sentence turning into a whisper because of how flustered she was. She knew she blushed easily, so she could imagine what she must look like. She wasn't prepared for a confession like that.

He chuckled again, nodding. "Maybe I am crazy," he agreed, just smiling at her as he carefully watched her, making sure he would remember every bit of her face. "Do not say you're crazy for me," she warned him quietly, but he only grinned, standing up from his chair so he could reach her. His hand made its way to her face and he removed the front pieces of her hair that were pissing her so much, putting them behind her ear. "I am crazy for you though, haven't you noticed yet?" 

Hana looked up at him, her heart pumping faster and faster because of the way he looked at her. It was cheesy, just as any of his pick up lines he tried using on her when they were texting, but she still loved it. She glanced over at the table with her friends, noticing them all staring at them. She closed her eyes for a second, trying to calm down before she grabbed his arm, also standing up.

This was driving her crazy, and she needed to do something about it. "Come with me," she proclaimed, dragging him with her out of the café shop. 

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