Chapter 148 - 150

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Chapter 148 The stingy Zhen Shuai 

"What is the thing about him that you dislike the most?" Xinxin's question is a bit "malicious."

"I'm thinking about what to say, um..." Zhen Shuai thought hard, "Mysophobia? To be precise, food mysophobia. He always feels that the food outside is unclean. The fruits I usually eat grow on the fruit trees he planted. fruit; he also didn’t allow me to eat more fried chicken, barbecue, potato chips, biscuits, and drink juice from outside.

After we were together, the snacks and juice I ate were all handmade by him. Including some time ago The popsicles I fell in love with were also made by him. Ever since I got used to eating snacks made by him, eating snacks from outside never tastes good.

Xinxin opened her mouth slightly in disbelief.

"Really? Did you bring the snacks made by Classmate Shen this time?"

She was a little doubtful in her heart.

The audience also found it incredible. Can one person really do this for another person?

Zhen Shuai gestured to Zhou Yunyi outside the camera.

Zhou Yunyi handed him his backpack.

Zhen Shuai took out two packages of dried meat packaged in beautiful transparent plastic bags from his bag and moved closer to the camera so that the audience could see them more clearly.

Xinxin noticed that the colors of the ribbons used to seal the two bags were different. One was red and the other was green.

Zhen Shuai said: "I picked this up when I went out. The one with the red rope is spicy, and the one with the green rope is mustard. I also have orange ropes at home, which are fruity, and the brown ones are barbecue. The one with the black rope is five-flavored."

He hesitated and handed the dried meat with the red rope to Xinxin.

The audience roared with laughter.

"Have you noticed? The handsome man's expression is so sad!"

"I was caught off guard and stuffed with dog food again."

"Get the new emoticon package material! Hahaha!"

"Wuli handsome man is so cute!"

"Classmate Shen Is the jerky really that delicious? My mouth is watering." "

I, Longwei Spicy Tiao, refuse to accept it!"

"If any food brand can find a handsome man to endorse it, it will be a huge hit!"

Xinxin opened the bag with a skeptical attitude. , tasted a piece of dried meat, and his eyes widened in disbelief, "This...god, it's really delicious! The meat is tender, soft, spicy and delicious. After one bite, your lips and teeth will be fragrant, and it's not greasy at all!

"Everyone believed it, and because they didn’t care to chew it carefully, they swallowed it whole, and couldn’t wait to take another piece!

They all expressed that they also wanted to eat.

Zhen Shuai wanted to fight for their welfare, "Commander, what should I do? Look, your fans also want to try the dried meat made by Classmate Shen." Zhen Shuai was unhappy and scolded gently: "Look, what are you doing? Are you so easy to lie? Actually, I am talking nonsense. The snacks made by Classmate Shen are not delicious at all, really. Is it time to move on to the next step?" The audience immediately despised him for changing the topic so abruptly, not wanting others to eat. Let’s just talk about the jerky made by my classmates.

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