Chapter 59 - Release

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As Valentina read the email from Sarah Lee, she felt her eyes begin to tear up. It felt nice to see that someone appreciated the work that she did and even looked forward to working with her again.

She looked at the clock and saw that she had spent quite some time in her bedroom. It was currently 11:30 p.m. and would soon be midnight. Skipping happily, she went down to the kitchen to grab a light snack so she could watch her first music video appearance.

Surprisingly, both Kaiser and Luca were still sitting in the living room, although Luca was in his plain pajamas and was struggling to stay awake. Seeing the little nugget nodding off with sleepy eyes, she immediately forgot her original goal and ran over to him.

"Luca why are you awake, you should be in bed."

Rather than answering her, the young boy blushed and looked away.

"He wanted a hug and kiss before he went to sleep but knew he couldn't bother you because of work," Kaiser explained.

Touched at the cute reason, Valentina immediately went over to hug the little nugget.

"Oh my little nugget, you can bother me anytime just knock on my door okay? Come here, I'll go tuck you into bed."

"Okay." Luca wrapped his little arms around her neck as she lifted him up while stifling a groan. He had definitely gotten sturdier and if she was going to keep carrying him with this weak body, she would need to start working out or begin taking supplements.

Seeing that Kaiser was about to say something rude, probably about Luca walking on his own, she quickly shot him a glare before going up the stairs. If a little baby wanted to be carried, it was the duty of an adult to carry them no questions asked.

She gently tucked the little nugget in, read him a chapter from his favorite Minecraft book, and kissed his forehead as he went to sleep.

As she went back downstairs, Richard was in the kitchen making hot chocolate for three mugs.

"Are you having a guest over?" she asked him curiously as she sat down on the kitchen bar.

"One cup is for you. Roman called to say he's coming over. Apparently you have a music video coming out tonight? He's coming to watch it here with us. Do you mind?"

Kaiser glanced up at her noting the blush that immediately covered her face.

"...Honestly, I kind of do. It's my first thing being released and I'm kind of embarrassed since I don't know how it will turn out since it's my first time seeing it as well. I'm somewhat used to you, so I don't mind watching it with just you, but with Roman.... Maybe not this time?" Valentina replied with a bit of apprehension.

"Ah, I'm not saying he can't come over. It's your house after all. I'll just go and watch it in my room. I know it's something I should get used to as I'm in this industry, but I still get nervous when people I know see my work." Even when she was a marketer in her previous life, she still felt shy sharing things that she had worked on with other people.

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