Chapter 115 - Variety Show (16)

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"Hi, Aaliyah. Fancy meeting you here. Your leg is looking so much better. It must be a miracle."

Aaliyah was dressed in a classy off shoulder peach dress. Her hair was curled in loose ringlets, and she had on white-heeled sandals that matched the white designer trunk purse in her hand, which was decorated with delicate gold jewelry.

Valentina gave her a knowing smile as she intentionally glanced down at Aaliyah's completely uninjured legs. Wasn't she on crutches a couple of days ago and claiming her legs were injured? Funny girl.

"You know how medicine is these days. It is very effective if you have money, and I can't present such an ugly look to my fans and parents, who have been praying for my quick healing. ." Aaliyah bragged with a prideful expression.

"Wow. Amazing. Your dedication to your fans is really unmatched and whatever god you pray to sure delivers healing in a timely manner. Some would believe it was so timely you weren't even injured in the first place." Valentina clapped her hands as if she were really amazed.

"I could say the same to you. You look surprisingly well for somebody who fell down three flights of stairs. I guess you really fabricated the medical report. Probably the same way you fabricated that video. You know, Daddy scoured all the hospitals and yelled at the doctors and nurses to give me the best treatment. I wonder if he bothered to check in on you?" Aaliyah sneered at her.

"Whether or not the video is fabricated. You know the truth in your heart. And why would an unrelated man check in on me? Your father is not mine." Valentina peacefully smiled, not all phased.

"Tsk. So, what are you doing here, Valentina?" Aaliyah suddenly changed the question.

"I didn't realize you were the doorman, and I had to check in with you each time I visited my own apartment. Wouldn't the better question be what are you doing here? You don't even live near here."

"According to leasing, you haven't been here in weeks. I wonder where you've been and who you've been with? And I see you've finally upgraded your closet. Could it be you found a man to support you? He doesn't look too bad." Aaliyah replied snidely as she glanced suggestively between Duncan and Valentina.

"Wow, I didn't know that the building openly shared details regarding residents. That's a serious violation of privacy. I'll have to report it. And I could say the same about you. I wonder what unrelated man is providing you with the expensive life you're living right now. Could it be the person you call 'daddy'?" Valentina murmured quietly as she completely ignored whatever Aaliyah was implying with Duncan while firing back that Antonio Salazar was her sugar daddy.


"Yes? Am I wrong? Are you not calling a man completely unrelated to you 'daddy,' and isn't he providing for your lifestyle? Should we show our birth certificates to the press? I'll show mine if you show yours." Valentina widened her eyes innocently even as she snickered internally. Since Aaliyah dared to rub her loving family unit in her face, she couldn't blame her for twisting her situation with Antonio Salazar into something that sounded sketchy. Since you dare to call that sperm donor daddy in my face while mocking me? Good. Bring out your birth certificate, and let's see.

Ooh, you can't? Then shut up.

As the two women stared at each other silently, Aaliyah glared angrily while Valentina curved mockingly; tension filled the air before Aaliyah broke it once again.

"Hmph. You've sure learned to talk back. I see you've seen what happened to your apartment. It's really unfortunate that it was only you that was hit. You should be careful who you offend. After all, you don't know the powers and capabilities of the people around you. What if you had been in the apartment when something like this happened? You could have been seriously hurt. Or worse." The last part was whispered as Aaliyah smirked at her.

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