Chapter 120 - Variety Show (21) A Lil Spicy

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Seeing his furious expression, Valentina couldn't help but sigh. She somehow wished the day would be over.

"I don't want anyone to be fired. I'm just letting you know this so you can take whatever disciplinary actions your company usually takes for situations like this. I'm not important enough to cause any level of havoc, and I know the economy is tough; it's just if there's a situation with a business partner, it would be best not to let this person greet them, that's all. Reiterating because I can see you're really angry, but do not fire them."

"Telling me how to run my company, Valentina?" Kaiser arched a brow at her in a sardonic manner.

"If you're planning to fire somebody for a mistake, then yes, I am. You won't hear a peep about the employee from me if that's the case." She stared at him firmly while removing her face mask.

She felt as if she needed to show him the full extent of her expression for him to take it seriously.

Kaiser glanced at her serious expression before chuckling darkly, "If you think I can't find out who it is, you're sorely mistaken. Do you know what they call me at work? Kaiser, the dictator. And honestly, they're not wrong, especially with issues such as this. I'm assuming you took a private elevator from the elevator since that's what I instructed your bodyguard to do. There's a protocol to be followed to verify the identity of people coming in, and the person clearly didn't do so. You're devaluing yourself since you're very important to me, but even then, what if it hadn't been you? What if the person had been an executive from another company who was here to make a deal, or my parents, or a politician, and that person treated them the same way? It would be infinitely worse, and I would have lost out on money, and that employee would have tarnished my reputation. The employee who caused such an issue after being warned would be fired immediately in any other situation. I don't want you to feel guilty or be excessively kind. Clearly, the employee training is at fault, and that will be rectified immediately."

"Don't fire anyone, Kaiser. My identity is sensitive, and I'm sure that played a big part in the situation." Valentina replied. As someone who was previously a corporate slave, she understood that mistakes happened. Although she was irritated at the woman's rude tone and the breaking of her phone, that didn't mean she wanted her fired.

As the elevator stopped, she looked at Kaiser before sighing and poking him in the forehead with a mischievous expression, trying to distract him. "I can see that you're upset, but shouldn't I be as well? Apparently, all sorts of ladies regularly come through your office. So much so that your employees mistake me as one of many here to seduce you and claim your child, and they even have a playbook to deal with those women? How efficient."

Although she wasn't the jealous type, and she should have expected it, it wasn't pleasant to hear that the man she was interested in was continuously being courted without her knowledge.

"Jealous? Your man is very popular, so you better lock me down quickly." The familiar cocky smirk graced Kaiser's face before he began frowning again as he comprehended her words.

"Should I be jealous? And who said you're my man? As far as I know, I'm a single pringle." she gave him a sly smirk before poking his forehead again, gently smoothing his wrinkled brow out.

As she looked at him closer, she noticed that instead of his usual put-together look of a full suit with a fully buttoned-up shirt and tie, he had skipped the tie today. More importantly, his shirt was unbuttoned and exposed. Right there, front and center, on his neck was a large hickey, which she had so confidently made the night before, exposed for the entire world to see.

Seeing the evidence of her wanton actions, Valentina's face immediately turned red, completely embarrassed. In the moment when things were happening, she was fine, but seeing it in broad daylight being casually exposed, she couldn't help but blush.

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