Chapter 10

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The hall was filled with tension.

Rickon was oblivious to it, having led Eidalya in as the men joined their families and accepted plates of steaming food in preparation for their meeting. Dornishmen, Baratheons, and Northerners alike, all in the same hall and having to interact with one another. The last time they must have had to do that... well, it wasn't the most pleasant time to look back on

Robb and Roslin sat at the center of the high table. There was no warmth between them, so painfully obvious even as Eidalya settled to his right, Oberyn followed while Stannis and Ser Davos sat to the left of Roslin.

The men were shouting their different concerns, no one sure where to start– there was too much to be discussed. Robb and Eidalya could hardly hold a look for more than a few seconds at a time, it didn't feel right.

It wasn't making this any easier.

"Your Grace," said Eidalya at last, prompting the men to quiet down, "you confirm, then, that you've sent men to assist the Night's Watch and protect the North from an uncharacteristic wildling influx?"

"Yes," he confirmed. "The men will help my brother, Jon Snow, avenge the cold murder of Lord Commander Jeor Mormont and they will fortify the castle against the wildlings. Jon believes they may be able to come to an agreement. Multiple witnesses on the end of the wildlings and even a man in the Night's Watch have claimed to have seen White Walkers risen again. A war with the dead is coming for us."

Stannis looked across the hall at Melisandre, who nodded to confirm this fact. "It's likely we will need to let even some wildlings pass," said Eidalya. "We have not lived in harmony for quite awhile, and I know, Lord Umber," she acknowledged the Greatjon, "that your house has valiantly protected the North from wildling strays many times. But, given the nature of this army Mance Rayder has brought together and given the witnesses that claim the White Walkers have returned, we cannot turn our backs on other people.

"They are First Men like the Northerners, they believe in the same gods. If there is to be a war fought against the dead, as Jon Snow predicts, then we ought to consider forming a truce. I imagine the wildlings are accustomed to a life beyond-the-Wall and would happily return to it once the threat was eliminated. Until it is, we may consider using the vacant lands in the Gifts and allowing them smaller settlements, provided they abide by certain rules. But this can be decided at a later time."

"It can be decided now," said Stannis, still glancing between her and Melisandre. "They can be given lands if they aid us in this war. I've decided my men and I will ride to Eastwatch-by-the-Sea and make our way to Castle Black along the outside of the wall, to appear behind the wildling army and provide sufficient aid to the brave men currently manning the castles under Robb Stark's orders."

"It is a good plan," said Eidalya carefully, able to deduce that he was doing this because his Red Woman insisted it was a good idea. She'd heard Ser Davos mention something about a 'battle in the snow' that Melisandre was convinced would happen. Why or how, she didn't know. "How will the lands be given?"

"If the King-beyond-the-Wall bends the knee, I will give them their lands once I have my throne."

Eidalya cleared her throat, making a face. "These are people we are talking about, Your Grace. Families with children. I've heard awful things about Thenns, perhaps I'm biased in saying we should be wary of them, but if there is in fact a threat, they are escaping it and I don't think it should come with such conditions–"

"It's what will be done," said Stannis firmly. "If they want our lands, they will fight in our war."

She pursed her lips, deciding to change the subject. "Our biggest concern now is the prospect of my brother Tommen's coronation and his impending marriage to Lady Margaery Tyrell, twice a widowed Queen but still on the path to becoming Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and capable of keeping the Reach's army allied with the Lannisters."

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