Chapter 13

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The journey to Winterfell was exhausting.

Just like the first time they'd gone North, Myrcella and Tommen were complaining the entire time. It was less frustrating, given they sailed on a spacious ship instead of riding crammed into a carriage.

It was almost pleasant to hear them bickering again. Myrcella and Tommen hadn't seen each other in quite some time and the three of them hadn't been together in one space for years. Eidalya smiled even as Myrcella swatted Tommen over the head with her fan and giggled when Tommen pinched Myrcella's nose so hard, it looked as though she'd purposely tinted it pink.

It meant their fight was over. The first one, at least.

She still didn't know what would happen (or maybe had already happened) to her mother and uncle. There were many things one could find Cersei guilty of and many other things that maybe there was no evidence for. She couldn't imagine Stannis letting her out of the black cells unless he intended to execute her.

As for the Kingslayer, it seemed Lady Brienne had sent word advocating on his behalf. He was a different man, she said, a man who enabled her to find Sansa Stark and take her home. Arya was yet to be found but Brienne had made contact with her thanks to Jaime arming her and allowing her to leave King's Landing.

Whether her trust had been misplaced or not was yet to be seen.

They didn't know what would truly await them in Winterfell. Lady Catelyn and Lady Sansa would surely be happy to see them. Rickon might miss Bran a little less with Tommen and Myrcella for company. Myrcella might grow bored quickly unless the Northern girls occupied her while Eidalya was busy helping Robb deal with Jon Snow, who was attempting to defy Stannis's orders by letting the wildlings pass into the Gift and giving them lands despite them not helping with the siege of King's Landing.

It was Robb's territory and he saw no problem with it. Stannis would have to accept it provided the wildlings moved no further South. Of course, he might easily be persuaded to tolerate that if his Red Woman continued spouting prophecies of this 'Great War' with the Army of the Dead. Eidalya shivered to imagine it.

Still, Robb giving his permission meant nothing to the men of the Night's Watch. Before she'd left King's Landing, she'd known that Jon had made Robb aware of his concerns that the men wouldn't warm up to it so easily. The Northerners were set in their ways and apparently, the Brothers of the Night's Watch even more so. Not to mention that Jon hadn't been their first choice for Lord Commander (half had wanted Ser Alliser Thorne).

Robb would defend him no matter what, but how much would the Night's Watch itself tolerate?

"We're nearly there," said Eidalya as the carriage took them from White Harbor, where they'd docked, up to Winterfell. "Be on your very best behavior. Our cousin Janei might've already arrived, or perhaps is still on her way. Whatever the situation, we must be proper."

"I know how to be proper!" complained Myrcella. "Tommen, you were a King, do you still know nothing about being quiet?"

"You've done nothing but talk to people in Dorne!" he retorted. "Why does my talking bother you?"

"You'll have plenty of people to talk to and not talk to when we reach Winterfell," said Eidalya. "It'll be our home for quite some time, best get used to it. Look at the snow outside, it's marvelous."

Tommen shrugged. "Ser Pounce won't like it."

"Ser Pounce didn't even eat the fish the men caught for him," said Myrcella. "Such a spoiled cat."

"He may like the Northern rats," said Eidalya. "But the little kitten will have to catch them himself."

"He's too lazy to do that," huffed Myrcella. "That cat would never do anything for himself or for others."

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