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CONCLUSION - A final note by Samwell Tarly

And so the war came to an end, concluding our journey through the events that came following the death of King Robert Baratheon.

Archmaester Ebrose has given me, Samwell Tarly, special permission to conclude this text with an added page of remarks to acknowledge the contributions not mentioned previously. In focusing on the ramifications of each event following the war, we the Maesters of the Citadel neglected to do justice to many of the figures who worked to save Westeros as we know it.

History will forever remember Queen Daenerys Targaryen and her King consort Jon Stark and will follow the lineage of Shireen Baratheon– Princess of Dragonstone Heir to the Iron Throne– and her betrothed Rickon Stark of Winterfell, and may attribute these happenings to magic. Yet, A Song of Ice and Fire should mention how Fire and Ice came together, how the powerful Queen Daenerys came to choose Shireen Baratheon as her heir, and how the dragons will survive evermore without dragonriders yet still maintaining a balance through the recently discovered eggs, feats that would not have been possible without the contributions of House Lannister.

In our recollection, we've candidly reflected on the errors and crimes committed by the early Lannisters who played a role in the war. However, little has been done to speak about the sacrifices made by the central figures who survive us: Ser Jaime Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Myrcella Baratheon, Tommen Baratheon, and Eidalya Baratheon.

Ser Jaime Lannister bravely accompanied King consort Jon Stark, Lord Gendry Baratheon, Ser Jorah Mormont, the Brotherhood Without Banners, members of Queen Daenerys's Dothraki and Unsullied forces, and most notably wildlings led by Tormund Giantsbane beyond-the-Wall to procure the proof of the Night King's army, instrumental to uniting all Seven Kingdoms– though some had already proclaimed independence– against the Army of the Dead and allowing the one fierce army King Robert Baratheon once imagined to be formed and save humanity as we know it.

Tyrion Lannister, absolved from all past deeds, was not mentioned in the chapter surrounding the Battle of Blackwater Bay, but should be spoken of now for having facilitated Queen Daenerys Targaryen to come into peaceful conversation with the great leaders of Westeros. Let us not forget the voices on the sidelines that took great risks to think of our people as a whole. In the same manner, Myrcella Baratheon– wife to Prince Trystane Martell and now Princess in Dorne– continues to advocate for all voices to be heard in Dorne and beyond, ensuring that each year, a Great Council will meet to discuss the ways in which Westeros can continue to thrive. At Casterly Rock, Lord Tommen Baratheon manages communications and trades with the Iron Islands, ensuring that even the independent kingdoms continue to have a voice in the wellbeing of all.

Once known as Princess Eidalya of the House Baratheon, the Lioness of the North became Queen in the North and retains her titles as Kingmaker and Queenmaker, such was her influence with the leaders of Westeros. Loved by her people, Queen Eidalya continues a fruitful alliance and friendship with the Crown and the Iron Islands, a close friend to Queens Daenerys Targaryen, Yara Greyjoy, and Roslin Frey. In her work advocating for independence, she gathered the brightest minds of Westeros and focused on their similarities to cement a solid alliance where all can trust in one another and lift each other up. Through her contributions, Westeros remains a monarchy but one that is not truly ruled by one all-powerful sovereign, rather, a Queen who heeds the advice of all her people and continues to liberate all the oppressed with the help of her good friend the Queen Eidalya.

Though the events told in this text are true, and it is likely most readers will consider House Lannister to be the enemy of this time period, it was important to me that I write even a small section that reminds us that every Kingdom and every House has learned from their mistakes and has come together to bring peace and prosperity to our lands. Let it be written forever that the war was won in a way no one expected, with unity no one thought was possible.


A/N: Keep reading for the Final Author's Note!

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