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loïse madden

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"Hey, Madden! Hold up-"

I turn to see Cameron James running towards me. He crosses the 100 metres or so and lets out a sigh when he reaches me. 

"What, are you gonna tell me that you're tired after running 100 freaking meters? Such a loser", I snicker.

"Shut the hell up, witch", he fires back. I snort, because this is how it has become between me and Cameron. We're kind of friends now. I still hate him, sometimes. Most of the time, actually. But he can be kind. 

"Can you and your boyfriend give me a ride in your super fancy, daddy-payed-for-it car? I gotta be home soon because someone's coming over and I still need to shower and shit."

"Yeah, you should 'cause I smelled you from all over there already", I tease.

"Don't be a bitch and answer my question. Please, it's right next to Seb's house."

"I guess-"

"Great, thanks! When will he be here? I'm kind of in a hurry", Cameron announces, looking at his expensive watch.

"I can tell. And to answer your question, I have no idea. Probably in 10 or something... Why are you in a hurry anyway? What, your homework can't wait?"

He scrunches his nose at me and mimics my words. "Someone's coming over", he replies after having had his time to shine all childishly.

"Yeah, you said that. Who?", I ask, curious. 

"A girl."

"A girl?! You're joking, aren't you?", I point my index finger at him and he slaps it away. 

"No, the fuck I'm not."

Who thought that Cameron James would actually be attractive enough to date people?! I didn't, at least. I mean, attractive... he's kind of okay, I guess? Fine, he's pretty hot, actually. I just never wanted to recognize it because of this hatred I'd always felt against him. Until now, I guess. He might be hot, but he's an arrogant piece of cow poop. And, he's quite known for screwing around sometimes. 

Sounds pretty relatable to me.

Nevermind, Sebastian wasn't arrog- shut your trap, yes he was.

"Who is it?", I ask.

"Oh, you would like to know, wouldn't you?", he wiggles his eyebrows. "Guess what- I'm not telling you."

"Oh come on!", I throw my arms up in the air dramatically. "Like I would care! I'll probably forget who you said after 10 minutes-"

"I'm not telling you", he holds his ground.

"Yes you are", I hold mine, crossing my arms in front of my chest. 


"Fine then, no ride for you. Be late for your date, loser! See how I perfectly rhymed that, huh?"

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