25 - Be a good little Hero

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"Ma'am, Captain Larien would like to request that you stay in today."

I blinked at the soldier slowly and gave him my best incredulous look, "Why?"

To his credit he didn't even shift nervously, "You see, most of the nobles are going to be back in the next few days and you'll probably be invited to a multitude of lunches, parties, and such."

I sighed, "Why today specifically? They're bound to do that all week."

He ducked his head sheepishly, "The wall guard is occupied elsewhere."

Which meant they were either preparing for those nobles to arrive or something terrible happened. Honestly it was probably both. I nodded slowly, it interfered with Niun's ability to get a hold of me as Foralen, but if he was persistent -and I was pretty sparking sure he was- me sitting around in the Ayfel wouldn't slow him down much.

"I might have to head outside the city for an hour or so later today."

Now what would be really funny if he'd been talking about someone else and he wasn't about to-

A knock came at the door, Aymiae, who was sitting patiently outside her workshop went to get it. The guard stood from the bench with a salute as the door opened, "If you must leave the Ayfel we ask that you go in disguise." He sent a significant glance at Aymiae. Sparks how deep in the black market was that woman? She had to be at least known across a couple of cities.

He left though, passing whoever was at the door, and to my delight I heard Niun's familiar voice from the doorstep.

I do so love it when a plot unfolds itself.

"-I'd just like to talk with her about soul magic? Do you think she'd be willing to hear me out? I know I'm a terrible mage but I want to get my friend checked on and I can't think of anyone else to ask."

Aymiae frowned at him in that cross way of hers, "Foralen is not accepting guests at this time. Unless you're with the noble houses and this will offend someone important, I'm going to have to ask that you go on your way."

She started to close the door.

Niun pushed against it, "Wait! She might remember me! Is she here right now? Could I just see her for a second?"

Aymiae gave him the most dragon-crapless look I'd ever had the pleasure of seeing. "Sir, we are not taking this to a full on mage duel. You know who would win that."

Niun flinched.

I finally stood up, making my way easily toward the door, pretending to be slightly confused, "Who's that?"

Niun straightened, saluting for some reason, "I'm called Niun Previan! I was wondering if you could help me with an exorcism!"

I sighed, pretending to be annoyed, "Ah, I remember you now. Come on, what exactly is the problem?"

He wavered, "I...ah...it might be better to show you?" I'd watched him sneak out of the city last night, because I'm just that cool, so he likely knew exactly the state Jeref -Turste?- was in. He'd probably also tried sending the zombie back to Nasei again. I wasn't sure what the problem there was.

I sent Aymiae a sidelong glance, "Aymiiii, would you be willing to lend me a disguise illusion for the day~"

"Where is this at?" She asked Niun instead of responding.

"Ah...outside of the city, on a beach not far up the coast."

Aymiae glanced back at me, "Just teleport, miss Dimensionalism expert."

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