12 - Orchestra

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--- Larien ---

Reiaran worked smoothly. It was a steady machine that many people didn't really notice, but it was a machine that Larien was absolutely dedicated towards keeping together. He used to take pride in his position in the city, the only one between the whole place and complete social upheaval.

But the longer it went on, the more Larien was simply tired of the whole thing. He was tired of going over the accounts of who left the city walls and who came back. He was tired of keeping order, but being tired of it did not give him permission to slack on his duty. He did his job with the precision of a general and whenever his superiors came knocking, he gave them reports that were orderly and easy to read.

"You're wasted here, captain!" The queen's own scribe remarked one day, leafing through the pages of neat handwriting and neater calculations. "You should be on the accounts with skills like these, not patrolling an out of the way city that's more trouble than it's worth."

"I don't plan on leaving this place and forgetting about it. Unless her majesty demands me to leave, I'd rather stay here and keep Reiaran and my men safe."

The scribe clicked his tongue, glancing at the last two pages, "Well, I'm going to get that magistrate of yours to pay you more then, a man who works this effectively needs to at least be paid like it."

Larien nodded slowly, "I'd appreciate that."

"Of course, you'd get paid more if you accepted a transfer to the capitol, -as either a scribe or a soldier- so just keep that in mind for the future." He tapped the ledger, "your recruitment is lower than ever, why's that?"

Larien frowned slightly, "Sir, anyone who was going to join up already has, the city is filled with children of the lost soldiers who want nothing to do with battle and veterans who were happy to put down the sword. Travelers who end up staying are rare and people who move out are more likely to leave their house for squatters than sell it. It's not a great time to be a recruiter for the queen's military."

The scribe sighed, looking out the window at the city, "I'm sure it'll pass eventually, but some of the queen's relatives might get ideas about seizing the throne while we're weak. Reiaran would be a terrible blindspot to hit, especially with the old palace here."

Larien nodded, "All the more reason for me to stay here and keep watch of things."

--- Illila ---

Knowing a city is an artform. Knowing who to talk to for a few extra coins, knowing what the best routes are from one end of the city to the other, knowing when to pass through the shipyard to avoid the press of people. If one doesn't know a city, they aren't just handicapped, they're also missing something beautiful.

Illila felt as if she was part of the city as she flowed in and out of traffic, slipped through alleys, and even managed to catch the owner of the bakery in a good enough mood that she gave her the loaf half off! What a nice lady, she'd have to find out when her birthday was.

The city was like an orchestra and somehow it seemed like Illila was the only one who could hear it. There was only one part she wished she couldn't hear.

Illila felt her feet slow as she passed by the ancient palace, the silence surrounding it was almost painful. It was like a hole in the heart of Reiaran that could never be filled, pulling the music to a close as the conductor became lost in thought. Oh Orien above, let that hole be filled. Illila would never admit out loud that she wished things were different, but the longer she stayed in this city, the more she was sure of it. Reiaran was suffering.

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