Chapter seven

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Holden's pov

I was ten minutes away from the football field when I unexpectedly bumped into her boyfriend although, it looked like they had broken up a couple of week ago as things still seems a little rocky between them after i went on social media checking how much likes my team instagram accounts had gotten in over a month, i heard rumors going around about their break-up so of course i did a bit of deep dived into both of their accounts noticed that they were deleted pictures even though she must have tried her hardest to keep the news private yet this dude did not seem to respect her wishes anyways,they both unfollowed each other. He told me to stay away from his girlfriend which means he still isn't over her but she wasn't dating him anymore. I could just as easily get her to fall in love with me if she didn't hate me.

Confusingly, i looked at Mathew that annoying faker who think that i was trying to steal his ex-girlfriend away from him, which was especially when she already drifted further apart from him anyways, even if Natalia and I were the same page none of it would ever matter furthermore, if i ever had a girl like her then i would be supporting her every single step of the way, never letting her slip out of my grasp and be a better man unlike him. I would show her what it was like to be loved or cherished properly if i was her boyfriend, she would be treated with respect too.

On the other hand, this guy breathed reeks of alcohol now, he was insane and I decided whether or not to be a gentleman instead I chose to talk him out of going to her in his state for a little bit longer.

"Are you feeling a little bit threatened or do I intimidate you?"I smirked smugly at him.
Spontaneously, I started chuckling at his reaction for someone who was clearly ill tempered by everything either way. I folded my arms pushing my hoodie sleeves as I rolled them up blocking his way for him to get to her, finding it very amusing. We might be enemies her and I.

Nonetheless, I wasn't that heartless as I continued to rub my jawline and lately knowing that I was real boyfriend material nevertheless, I wasn't some kind of stalker who was obsessed over her because I was anything except for that of course, I was just stating facts as I happened to be such a great observer at hearing or knowing things just by seeing how people reacted around other people who didn't know yet.

For  example, I know for a fact that our team captain had liked his girlfriend Jessasnym from the moment he couldn't stop talking about her as well as the day he introduced us to her going out of his wits here to help her find her love for figure skating again despite of her injury that happened over a years ago.

"She hates you so much, that was all I heard when we used to date each other." laughed Mathew as if he was trying to get a reaction out of me.

God, my patient was really being tested right now by this twerp and besides the point i don't need to date a girl just to know her well enough like he did even though he already lost her from the start since he never listened to her nor sided with her.

A girl wants a real boyfriend who could see her, love her for who she was, listen to her, never judge her and support her in every single thing that she did additionally, i rushed to her side while he stood there watching her fade away from reality as the spark that was once in her eyes soon began to slowly fade away as i thought to myself that she did deserves better than a instantly memories of her heartbreak because deep down i knew she was never broken but now bruised.

"Ohh, really then how dumb could one person like you possibly have to be to see that she did need you to support her  once but you never did as she kept pushing her away from you." I whisper-yelled at Matthew in rage.

There were multiple things that I know about her such as she loved fighting for what she believed in, her favourite colour was purple, her birthday was November the tenth her zodiac star sign was Scorpio, and she was the only girl genius that I had the honour of knowing, I love to get her nervous because she would absolutely, insanely beautiful whenever she got mad at me, she would rather fight for equality and fairness than to just stand down to give up a fight.

Another best assets or quality about her was the way she would always be there for to make other people laugh even if she was sad herself constantly putting everyone else first.

She would iced you out if she didn't like your vibes;  you were rude to her or any of her close friend and her laughed sound like an angel sighing in her voices. Her  smartass, sarcastic comments and remarks were really hiraouls if they weren't shade directly at me.

"It's too bad that she would never love you as much as she loves me."boasted Matthew loudly.

There were a couple of a few errors in his sentences actually evolving around the word love seeing as he was using the word love a little too loosely nowadays to be honest anything that he could i could do better so it was an easy competition for me to beat him at everything else. Hurt his fragile little boy ego.

"You might need to go back to school to learn the difference between love in the present and love in the past just like how she doesn't love you anymore." I said with a slight charming smirk at Matthew.

Slowly i took a threatening step towards Matthew feeling a little tired of his nonsense including his incompetence as i watched him tripped on his on feet when he jumped in the air which cause him to fall down on his back, since i was a legendary hockey player and yet none of it matter if she didnt love or she did because i won't stand here as still as an statue and watched her crying over idiot like him.

Goddamn it would be the last thing I would want to see. She has already been through a whole hell and back so i would rather help her burn all of her ex-boyfriend stuff then watch her cry over anyone or anything who had caused her to hurt too much. None of it pucking matters if i dont see a smile on  her face by the ends of the week then all hell would break loose because she didn't deserve to waste her tears on their toxic love which was now gone even though i hate to admit it i truly did care about her more than enemies should care about each other. My sweet nemesis was just the genesis to our story.   

I added,annoyed by how he could just think that "I don't care if you think that you have won this argument or is she just some prize worth winning a trophy or token you can use then you should seriously get your priority in check man."

Wasted all this valuable time talking to him by the time it finally sank into his brain, i walked away it was raining out on the football field and she was no longer sitting out there on the stands looking at midnight dark blue/ black skies.

what use was i to her now if she still hated me so much from the past. Everything about her external to internal beauty that was so rare and precious was also  gorgeous. It was like staring at a stormy hurricane in the most hottest desert in the middle of the night portrait that no one else appreciated the gift to this earth because that was  what she was except for me.
I was the only one who did understand her from my point of view, she was unfathomable to me as the complex ways of how her genius brain works would literally shake someone to their core. 

To her, I was a jerk or an rude, arrogant, hockey jock who only had face value and didn't care about anyone but myself that what I came across to her even if I think we misunderstood each other when we first met. I wanted to rewind the time back to when we first met so maybe she wouldn't go through this hard event such as heart break, stereotype and many more etc.

Puck, I hate you |Rockwell series #2Where stories live. Discover now