Finding joy in the simple things...

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Dilan was worried about Baran. After their conversation the day before, she knew he had trouble sleeping. Deryan was only one of the many problems he was currently dealing with. When she woke up he was not by her side. She got ready and went downstairs. Before going to the kitchen, she decided to take a look at Baran's study, maybe he was there. Empty, 'where did he go?' Back in the kitchen, Dilan asked Ms. Kader "Ms. Kader, do you know where Baran is?" "I saw him going out for a run earlier, dear" "Oh, I see. Thank you" She guessed he did not want to disturb her, so he decided to run instead to clear his mind.

Everything was ready and still no sign of Baran, Dilan headed upstairs, she was entering their room when she felt him. He was right behind her. "I wished I could hug you right now" She turned to his words "Why don't you?" "I'm all sweaty, I don't want to spoil your outfit" He checked her out, and she blushed. He smiled at her and got closer, "I will never get tired of this." He said as he caressed her cheeks. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips, lightly. "I don't care that you are sweaty" "I probably smell too, it is pretty sunny today" She got close to his neck and breathed in, he smelled of sweat, yes. But she also smells the musk and spice typical of his scent. There was a drop of sweat dripping down his throat, and she felt the urge to lick it. She wasn't thinking. She just followed her urges and she licked, to which Baran responded with an intake of air. It tasted salty but mostly like him, like her husband.

Baran was surprised by Dilan yet again. The feel of her tongue on his neck was unexpected. His body which was numb because of the exercise came to life with one simple gesture from her. He wanted her tongue on him in other places. He tried to entice her by kissing her neck, one side and then the other as his hands pushed her body against him, leaving room for nothing in between. He was rewarded by her moaning sounds as her hands dug into his arms. He grabbed her head and kissed her deeply, he wanted to taste her. He felt Dilan's hands at the bottom of his shirt, he dropped his arms and looked down at what she was doing. Then his gaze went to Dilan's face as her fingernails softly scratched the skin on his torso. "What are you doing?" She lifted his shirt to his head and off. "Nothing, I'm helping you get ready for your shower." "Hmm, would you join me?" "I don't know, do you think you can convince me?" "A man can always try Mrs. Karabey, but that is for you to decide."

He removed his tennis and she lowered his sweat pants and his boxers with his help in one motion. Seeing him completely naked in front of her was tempting. He grabbed her hands and placed them around his neck. He walked forward holding her by the waist, until she felt the cool bathroom wall on her back. His leg positioned in between hers, pushing upward as he filled his hands with her breasts. He made it seem like he was going to kiss her, but instead, he lowered his head and sucked on her nipple through the fabric. She lost all shame as she rubbed herself against his leg, it was out of her control, it was instinct.

Dilan pushed him away from her and holding his hand she headed towards the shower, but he stood still until she looked at him, "It's your turn." She smiled at him, a flirtatious smile before she began walking again. She was up to something, however, he decided to follow her lead this time. Once he was inside, she kissed him, hard. Her body movements felt rough to him as her clothing was against his skin. At that moment, he had a single goal in his mind and for that, she needed to be naked as well. He began to undress her, but she reached behind him and before the water started streaming down, she took a step back and closed the shower door behind her. "That should help you cool down Mr. Karabey. Better luck next time." 'Can't believe I forgot' She was playing him. Dilan 4, Baran 3. He smiled to himself as he took a long and very cold shower.

Baran went downstairs to join the rest of the family for breakfast. Dilan was already seated but she was waiting for him to begin eating. The others were distracted talking about Cihan's university classes when Baran leaned close to her and said. "Nice played Mrs. Karabey. I'll remember it when you beg me to let you come next time." Dilan cheeks went red and she looked around afraid someone had overheard Baran's words, but no one noticed. "Should we eat?" Dilan asked. Baran simply nodded his head.

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