Dilan's story (Part I)...

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Dilan had difficulty sleeping that night. Everything around her was pitch black. Trying to be careful, she got up from bed with her phone in her hand to check the time. She was pacing the room when she heard Baran move and stood still. "Dilan!" He called for her with a raspy voice. "I'm here." He moved some more and turned the lamp light on. "What are you doing up?" "I can't sleep." He extended his hand to her. "Come." She sat at the edge of the bed beside him. He took the phone from her hand and placed it on the night table. "Would you like to tell me what is wrong?" She looked down. "Is this because of your brother?" She nodded. "I'm scared, Baran. His voice on the phone. I just..." She put her hand on her chest and rubbed the area. "I have a bad feeling about this." He pushed her head up with his finger. "Dilan, no matter what your brother has to tell us tomorrow, I will be there with you. I won't let go of your hand, not even for a moment. Whatever it is, we will solve it together. Don't you forget that, okay?" She leaned her head on his. "How can I forget, Baran? You were there for me even when you only saw me as the enemy's daughter. Your support has been a constant ever since we met. Without it, without you, I don't know where I'd be."

Dilan was remembering everything they had gone through before they confessed their feelings. They faced all the hardships and fights together. She wanted to share with him what was inside of her, so she said. "I found refuge in my enemy. He became my home and my solace. He gained my love and my respect." Baran pulled back and stared at her. "I ran away from my enemy. With one look, she owned my heart. She healed me and my family. Then I stopped and surrendered." She smiled. "Oh! Mr. Baran?" He moved and rested against the headboard of the bed. Then he said. "Do you want to watch a movie?" Her husband was embarrassed, and this was an event that was not easy to witness. Dilan got up, and while she was walking to her side of the bed to join him, she said. "I don't think I would be able to concentrate. However, you could continue with what you were saying... But before that, give me back the phone. I have to record this." He pulled her to the bed and tickled her. "You are making fun of your husband. Ah?" She was trying to sound appalled while laughing. "I would never do that. My husband is the most serious and respectable man I know. To make fun of him would be a crime." He kept tickling her. "You said it yourself. Time to pay for that crime." Baran was merciless in his attack. "Baran, please. Okay, you win. You win." He didn't let her go. Instead, he brought her to him and wrapped his arm around her.

Baran looked smug as he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. "That is more like it. If you don't want to see a movie, I know another way you could get distracted." She was hopeful. "Really? How?" She turned to him, and his gaze was enough to set the place on fire. She blushed. "I can't believe you, Baran. Now is not the time for it." Dilan tried to escape him. He pulled her even closer to him. His lips graced her ear as he spoke. "Are you sure? Because I didn't say anything. You jumped to that conclusion all by yourself." He could deny it, but they both knew what he was proposing. "I see. I misinterpreted what you said. I apologize for it, Mr. Baran... But tell me... What exactly was your idea to help distract me?" He couldn't answer right away. She caught him. "So... I'm waiting, Mr. Baran." She smiled triumphantly. He was avoiding her eyes. This time, she guided his face with her hands so that he would look at her. She wanted to tease him some more, but she was distracted by his eyes. Hypnotize by their beauty and their chameleon qualities. But something there was odd. They were not as clear as they should have been after their playful mood. It was as if a storm was hidden deep inside them.

Baran hadn't slept at all that night either, and it had nothing to do with Dilan constantly moving in the bed. He had his own reasons. He wanted to share them with her, but seeing how worried she was at the moment, he didn't want to put more on her. However, he could not help himself. What he saw earlier that day... He didn't understand at all. He was going crazy looking for answers. He knew what he needed to ask but feared what he would hear, just like Dilan. They were both experiencing the same thing. He knew very well his current state didn't escape Dilan's attention. But she didn't ask him. He tried to be playful with her and distract them both. The truth was that there was only one way to settle this. And that was to find the truth, but they had to wait. There was nothing for them to do in the middle of the night. Baran's train of thought was interrupted by Dilan's voice. "I vaguely remember when my mother gave this to me. The image is not clear, but her words are. She told me never to take off the bracelet, that it would protect me from evil." Baran covered the bracelet with his hand. "But now I wonder, how did this bracelet end up with my mother?" He stared at her in silence. He knew the questions in her head. And he was disappointed in himself for not being able to provide the answers that she needed. This had taken way too long. He took her face in his hands. "I promise... I promise you we will get to the truth soon. I won't let this torment you any longer, my Dilan."

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