Knowing and accepting are two different things...

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The day went by fast, Dilan had so much work at the Foundation that Zeynep had to remind her of the time. It was good though, because it kept her from thinking about other things. For instance her mother's attitude the day before. Or that man, the one who took the blame for her father. Why would someone do something like that? She never asked her family, but she felt how much it affected Baran that he was free. She was sure it was partly because he did not get answers as a child. Why did all of this happen? By taking the blame that man prevented justice from being served. Perhaps if her father had gone to jail, the Karabeys could have had a way to heal and none of this would have happened. But then again, thinking from the perspective of a daughter, the idea of Dilan's father being sent to jail broke her heart. She still thought there was more to it than what they knew. It was not in her dad's nature to hurt others.

It was a difficult situation for everyone, especially for Baran, Cihan, and Mr. Kudret. They had lost a mother, a wife, and Dilan tried to always be mindful of it and act accordingly. She thought that If she had all of that going around her head, she could not fathom how Baran felt. The news he got in the morning brought all those emotions back to the surface for him. During the day, she asked his secretary several times if he was free, but his agenda was packed. Dilan had not had the chance to see or talk to him and she was worried for him. In the middle of gathering her things to leave, she felt his stare. She looked up to find Baran leaning against the office's door frame, with his hands in his pants pockets and the sweetest smile on his face. She dropped everything back on the desk and went to him. "Baran." He hugged her and buried his face on her neck. 

Baran had to admit to himself that the day had been exhausting. It wasn't just about the work, it was also because that man was now free, Hikmet Yilmaz. Baran hated him for covering for Mr. Seyit. He never understood why he did it. He watched him closely as he grew up. Neither Mr. Seyit nor anyone else, went to visit him or try to contact the man. This morning, he wanted to ask Dilan, if she knew of him or if in her house they had ever spoken of Hikmet, but he did not want to get her involved. He didn't want the darkness to touch her. Holding Dilan, he inhaled deeply her scent. It never failed to calm him. "You look tired Baran, I wanted to see you but you were so busy the whole day." He straightened up to see her beautiful face. "I always have time for you my Dilan. You know that." He said as he caressed her face. Her skin felt so soft and warm under his touch. She grabbed his face with her hands to get his attention. "Baran." "Yes, Ms. Dilan."

She looked at him and he had no idea what went through her mind, but she hugged him, tight. "I love you." Those three words came out of her mouth and warmed his entire body. "I do too." She was worried about him, and this was her trying to help, trying to be there for him. He loved her more than words could convey for this and everything. He broke the hug, "Ready to go home. Ms. Dilan." "Ready!" She picked up her suitcase and purse, and they left the company never letting go of each other's hands. Once in the mansion, Yusuf was waiting for Baran. Avoiding Dilan's attention he signaled the security guard to meet him in his study. "Dilan, you go ahead and get ready for dinner. I have a few more things to take care of at my study." "Baran, maybe you should leave it for tomorrow. You need to rest." "I can't Dilan. I won't take long, I promise." Before she left, she put her hand on his cheek. Taking her hand on his, he kissed her palm to reassure her. 

Baran entered his study and Yusuf was waiting for him outside at the back entrance. He let the man in and went straight to business. "What did you find?" "I did as you ordered and went into every single jewelry shop there, but no one recognized the piece. One of the jewelers commented that it looked unique, specially made, not something that you could just go and buy." "I see. I don't think I have to remind you that no one should know about this." "I know Mr. Baran. I told the other guards I had a family emergency before I left. No one knows what I was doing." "Good. You can go now." Baran stared at the photo of the pendant. 'Why would they lie about this?' He thought. If he had suspicions before, this just confirmed that he was right all along. He could not stop now, he would see this to the end. He decided to send the picture to a jeweler he knew from Mardin. He did this type of work. If someone could find out the origin of this pendant, it would be him.

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