Some truths, we struggle to find. And others...

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Baran woke up early. He felt the warmth of Dilan's body on his back. She was hugging him. Baran turned and lifted one arm, with the help of the other, he very carefully adjusted Dilan so she could rest her head on his shoulder. Her face went naturally to his neck. Baran hissed at the sensation. Her nose was cold for his skin. However, he didn't want to disturb her as she settled there. Baran began caressing her hair, and from time to time, he would take in her scent. Peace, his wife gave him peace even when she was asleep. How long had passed, Baran had no idea. But he watched as the light began its invasion of their room and its reflection on Dilan's hair showed different shades of honey. She began moving and suddenly the most beautiful pair of green eyes were staring at him. The most important detail was the infinite love he saw in them.

Dilan woke up to find Baran watching her sleep. She was met by his eyes, which at that moment, had a hypnotizing shade of green, so clear, it was almost transparent. She got lost inside them. She saw so much in his eyes, not only his love but also his devotion and admiration for her. Never in her life had Dilan expected love to be this way. Baran made her feel like the most precious woman in the world. He respected her, believed in her, and cared for her in a way that she had never experienced before. She felt safe next to him and his family. In one word she felt accepted. It was such an interesting feeling, acceptance. Most people want to be loved, and yes, Dilan was no different. However, she was no stranger to it. She felt love from her father and her siblings. But that was not the case with her mother. She never felt accepted by her. More often than not Dilan had to give in on her wants and needs to maintain the harmony at home.

Dilan always had to work for what she wanted, and always had to find her own way. Cause she knew her mother would prevent the others from helping her or reprimand them if they did. It was like that with her studies and later with her aspirations to go abroad for her master's. Dilan had to pave her path. The funny thing was, that in a way everything she did was to gain her mother's acceptance. Which meant not only to be welcomed and received as she was but also to be respected as a person. To have a voice with equal weight to those around her. Yet, she never got it. She felt that for the first time next to Baran. It was not easy, she had to earn it, but she succeeded. Her husband's touch captured her attention as she was lost in thought. "What are you thinking about, my Dilan?" She caressed his beard as she answered, "You." "Really?" He said in his raspy morning voice. "I like that. Care to share?" "I love you."

Shyness overcame her so she tried to get away from him fast, but he caught her. He was now on top of her, with his hands on her wrists. He stared at her face, and that only worsened her situation. Her cheeks became hotter. He let go of one of her hands to touch her face. There was a shine to his eyes and fascination. "It is not what you think." She hurried to say. He raised an eyebrow and half smiling he said, "It is not?" She moved her head in denial. "And exactly what it is that I'm thinking?" "Baran!" He got close to her ear, and his beard brushed lightly against her skin, sending electricity down her body. He kissed her softly on the neck. "Yes, Dilan?" As he said those words, his lips brushed against her skin. Dilan pressed her legs together. "We need to get up." His mouth made a path to her shoulder. "We don't. It is the weekend, remember?"

He let go of her other hand as his fingers traced her arm, all the way to the side of her breast. He moved to kiss her collarbones. His hair tickled her nose. So she grabbed his face to bring it to her level. With a smile on her face, "Baran, I'm serious." "I know you are Dilan. I'm just pointing out something you seemed to have forgotten." "Well, I haven't. Now let me get up, I want to get dressed." He sat on his knees, after which he made room for her to get up and she did. He then moved to the edge of the bed, with his back to her. She reprimanded herself, she left her prejudice and shyness to take over her actions once more. Dilan got in bed again and went to him. She knelt behind him as her body surrounded his back. Her hands were on his chest as her mouth delivered kisses near his ear, followed by his neck. He leaned on her, placing his hands on her thighs. She used her hand to turn his head. She now had access to his lips.

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