Kissing After Training With Sorrows

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'That was weird,' I thought to myself. Dad looks really hurt. 'Did I do that this morning when I smiled.' My mind is full with thoughts, but I can't let them get to me. I have to focus on training. The faster I get this done, the faster I can get back to Shadow.

I hear laughter from behind. "That shrimp is here today again, guys. Guess he hasn't been beaten up enough." I turn around to see Austria and Nut giggle to each other. Fin just rolls his eyes and nervously waves at me. I just smile at him and then turn my attention to them glaring. "This is how I get stronger, right? By training?" I ask while rolling my eyes. I could see Fin give me a slight grin for standing up for myself.

"What a loser," Austria scoffs at me. She turns around to talk to Nut. I cross my arms and tilt my head "oh how original. Because like I never heard that before, " I speak with Sarcasm. This angers Austria. She came up in my face, grabbing my shirt slightly and pulling me up. "You asking to fight?" She yells.

Nut just laughs with his head flying back. "Oh, come on, Austria, that doesn't seem like a fair fight. I mean, look at those noodle arms. And that stomach, not even a two pack. Does he even eat."

Austria smirks as she lets go. "Yea, you're right," she laughs. "It be a waste of time." She walks back to Nut as the twins came into play. I just look the other way.

"Hey guys," Luffy starts. "Picking on Hectic again without me, I see." He says, joining in with the other two.

Knot gets annoyed and slaps his brother across his head. "Will you all just leave him alone. I mean, it's bad enough that he hears all this crap from his own father. We don't have to add to it."

I know Knot was trying to be nice, but it still hurt that he added that part about my father. I mean, Knot is a good guy, but he doesn't understand that his help sometimes has the opposite effect. Knot and I aren't really friends, but we talk sometimes. His brother Luffy, on the other hand, loves to pick on me. Personally, I believe it's because he has a crush on Austria. I'm pretty sure Nut does, too, but I mean, everyone pretty much likes her except Fin, Knot, and I.

She may not be nice to me, but to everyone else, she acts like an angel. She's playing everyone like a fool. She has a bad personality but I must admit she is beautiful. With long flowey golden hair down to her ankles. A smile that shines brighter than the sun. Diples and all. Sun-like eyes that glimmers with the sun hitting them just right. She has a strong and firm body and loves to show it off. I might have actually fallen for her myself if she didn't treat me like trash.

"You're so lame." Luffy scowls at his brother Knot.

Knot just rolls his eyes and then smiles at me. "Just ignore them." He places his hand on my back as he passes by.

Knot walks up to Finn and winks at him. Finn's face turns into a tomato as he turns the other way. Knot giggles as the two of them talk. I have a slight suspicion that the two of them might be dating. They seem really cute together, so there's nothing wrong. I can see why they aren't open about it, though, if they are. There's a bunch of close-minded people here. More than I would like to admit. While the two of them were talking, Knot grabbed Finn's pinkie with his pinkie. Finn turns to look at him with a slight smile.

"Whatever," Luffy sneers at his brother as he walks over to Austria and Nut.

They were all talking as I am just standing there by myself leaning on the wall. I felt a sharp pain in my chest seeing them all laugh with each other while I was left out alone. I see that Finn looks at me with guilt on his face. I smile at him as I wave it's fine. He kept glancing at me, but I turned away so he didn't see the hurt look I had on my face.

There is a loud noise of someone clearing their throat. Finally, it was about time we got started. I would like to get back to Shadow. We all turn to look at Spoon. He is our trainer. I am happy about that. Though I notice that Spoon isn't acting himself today.

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