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The 3 boys make their way back to Shadow. Hectic takes out his book and shows the other two. He went into great detail on how he wanted to fix the hybrid's wings. He mentions how he felt terrible hurting the poor thing. Then, he described how he would release the hybrid. Knot and Finn look at each other in horror.

"I don't know," Finn hesitated as he continued. "This seems like a bad idea." His eyes frozen to the ground. Not once gazing into the eyes of his friend. "Agree," Knot said with his arms cross. "What do you think those hybrids will do? Praise you for fixing what you destroyed? I sense they would attack you. Come Hectic, Shadow, and Eclipse may be nice, but that doesn't mean all the hybrid's are." Hectic looks disappointed at his friends. "Whose to say if we never give them a chance. We know nothing about them, but yet we see them as "beast". Why? Because they're different? Because they can fly. Why are we letting our stubbornness get in the way of our change? Why do we fear change? We are so quick to raise our swords instead of using our words." Hectic put his book away. His speed increased as the other two boys fell behind. Knot and Finn look at each other and then at the back of their friend's head. They could tell he was upset. They speed to catch up to him.

                        HECTIC'S POV
I was so excited to show my friends what I had been working on. I didn't hesitate to let the words flow. "And then I'll add purple feathers with sparkles for more pizazz." I look down feeling guilty. "I'm really tired of always fighting hybrids and hurting them. I don't like hearing them scream in pain. It's about time we stop hurting them. I have an idea of how we can fix their wings and set them free. Just the amethystwings for now."

I notice how both Finn and Knot look at each other with concern. I tilt my head, awaiting their thoughts. I couldn't believe my ears. Did I really hear them correctly.  "I don't know," Finn hesitates as he continues to say, "This seems like a bad idea." His eyes frozen to the ground. Not once gazing into my eyes. "Agree," Knot said with his arms cross. "What do you think those hybrids will do? Praise you for fixing what you destroyed? I sense they would attack you. And what if they do? You know they're better in groups. Come on, Hectic, Shadow, and Eclipse may be nice, but that doesn't mean all the hybrid's are."

I feel a little angry. Hearing this was like betrayal to me. "Whose to say if we never give them a chance. We know nothing about them, but yet we see them as "beast". Why? Because they're different? Because they can fly. Why are we letting our stubbornness get in the way of our change? Why do we fear change? We are so quick to raise our swords instead of using our words." I was so upset that I threw my book back into my bag. I increase my speed, leaving them behind. They try their best to keep up. I had nothing left to say.

Reaching the cave where we came upon the two dragon boys flying around. I stand there. Watching them fly in unison. It was beautiful to watch. Until Shadow comes to a sudden stop. "Hectic!" He shouts, soaring his way to me. Tackling me to the ground. I chuckle as I place my hand gently on his face. Pulling his face closer to mine as I snuggle our noses together.  "Hey, Shadow." His face was rose-like. He looks so adorable right now. My mind was racing. My heart thumping. I want to kiss him again. The more I get to know him, the more I fall for him. But it's too soon. I turn my head the other way. "Shadow," I sigh. "You're crushing me. Can you get off, please?" I feel a bit guilty. I notice the sad look in his eyes as he slowly gets up. He tries to hide it with a smile. But it's no use. I see right through. 

                    SHADOW'S POV
I was so happy being able to see Hectic twice in one day. I never want him to leave. I wish he stayed in the cave with me. I tackle him, and he pulls my face close to his. My face flush. I was preparing myself for a kiss. Although he just went to snuggle our noses together like I always do. It made my heart skip. "Shadow," he sighs. "You're crushing me. Can you get off, please?" My heart cries when those words escape his mouth. 'He... sighed ...why?' I try to hide my pain with my smile. But my eyes are a dead giveaway.

"Oh... sorry about that," I place my hand behind, rubbing the back of my head. I gave a bigger smile as I turned around. I look over to see Knot and Finn finally showing themselves. "So you guys finally came out of hiding?" I gave a slight chuckle. They look at Hectic. Hectic sneers at them. He abruptly turns his head. "What's going on?" I ask, all confused.

Hectic sighs again. I feel my heart crackle. Hearing him sigh was like a jab to the heart. 'Why was he sighing so much? Is he mad at me? Is he mad at them?' My chest starts to clench. Pain spinning like a tornado.  I want to cry. My brother comes up and pats my shoulder. "What's going on over here?" He starts. " It's like a thunder storm came rolling in out of nowhere." I look up at him. He glances down and winks. I smile up at him. He came to cheer me up. I'm lucky to have my brother here.

Hectic stands still with his back to us. Knot and Finn look at him. Then at each other. They sigh as they look at my brother and I. Knot clears his throat. He then lets words flow out. "We said something that Hectic didn't really agree with."

"What? I ask.

They were about to tell me. Until Hectic runs up behind them. He then covers their mouths. "Something between us. There is no need to get yourself in the mix." He rolls his eyes.

'That eye roll. Why would he roll his eyes? What's he hiding? Why won't he tell me? He was the one who kissed me. He said he wanted to get to know me. We said we take things slow. And he wants to hide things from me?' The voices in my head continue to scream louder and louder. Surrounding my mind like a cage. I was so happy I was able to see Hectic twice in one day. I was so happy he wanted to see me. I was so happy.

                   HECTIC'S POV
I ran up to cover Knot's and Finn's mouths. They were about to tell Shadow the one thing I wasn't ready to tell him. I didn't cover their mouths because I wanted to hide it. I just wanted to be the one to tell him. To work things out. I just wasn't ready yet. "Something between us. There is no need to get yourself in the mix." I roll my eyes. I soon  regret the choice of words.

Shadow clench his chest. "Shadow?" Eclispe hesitantly walks up to him. He pulls his brother into a hug. Then he glares at me. I begin to panic. "Wait," I begin "Shadow that's not how...."

I was interrupted by a broken voice. "Hectic," Shadow starts. " I think you should go home for tonight. I don't feel good." My heart aching. "Shadow I..." I want to apologize, but he won't let me. I was cut off again. "Hectic, please come back the day after tomorrow. I need a day to recover." My heart cries out in pain. I couldn't refuse. I turn to Knot and Finn. "Let's go, guys." They look at Shadow one last time as they follow behind me. I took one last glance to see a sad boy in the arms of an angry brother. 'Idiot,' I slap myself. I'm acting just like my father. That's something I never wanted.

Even though I am mad at Knot and Finn, they still have the courage to comfort me. My sorrows take hold of my body. I am too sad to argue with them right now. I just let it be and walk side to side back home with them. The both of them rub my back. When I come back to visit Shadow, I have to have the perfect apology.

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