The Cries of His heart

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After the training session, Spoon watched as Hectic rushed to his bags and ran off somewhere. He was disappointed he didn't stay a little longer to talk to him like he normally did. But he could see the joy from the young boy. And he couldn't destroy his happiness. Spoon was getting ready to leave himself when he became aware of a tall figure walking up to him.

Stew can be described as a tall, well-built man. With the personality of the Grinch. He's a cold man whose stubbornness is rivarly with an oak tree. On the surface, he keeps a stern and mean face. He doesn't like showing his true feelings due to his pride. He has the facade of a soilder. His walls are built high to not let anyone in. To describe how he looks, he has short brownish-orange hair. With sky blue eyes almost sea-like. He never shows a smile. Not ever since Thyra died. After her death, he became more stubborn and prideful. He doesn't even smile around Spoon anymore. Even though he loves him.

Stew walked up to Spoon, gaining his attention. Their eyes met, and he noticed how his friend had a long face. Spoon couldn't look into those baby blue eyes. He turns to walk the other direction. The memories of those hurtful words arose."How dare you treat me as a child?" Enraged Stew continued to say, "Don't forget my family was the one who took you in. You couldn't possibly understand how a parent feels when you have none. Especially since you're alone in life. With no one to love and who will love you."

There were more words that were said, but these specific words kept repeating them selves. "You will always be alone with no one to love you." Spoon squeezes his chest. It felt like chains wrapped around his heart as his chest tightened. He used all his strength to keep from falling apart when he felt a hand. A hand that gently patted his shoulder. He turned to the man who stood above him. He stared at the ground, unable to look him in the eyes.

Stew cleared his throat as he began to speak. "Um, Spoon," he started nervously as he put his hand behind his head. He saw how Spoon wouldn't even look at him. His heart cracked like a broken egg. He continued with, "I'm sorry for how I acted yesterday. I was just in a bad mood."

"It seems as though you're always in a bad mood lately," Spoon mumbled. He glanced up to a baffled man as he flinched and backed away. He nervously sways his arms in front of him as he shouts, "I'M SOR...." He gulped when he was arubtly cut off.

"Please," Stew said in what seemed to be an annoyed voice. Though it was just him trying to atone for his wrongdoings. "I was the one who was rude and just wanted to say I'm sorry. You can choose to forgive me or not. It's up to you." Stew was never good at apologizing, but he hoped his best friend would understand him. His heart ached when he noticed the hurt face plastered on Spoon. His apology backed fired. His glance went towards the ground. He couldn't bear to look at those sad grass-like eyes.

Spoon thought this was Stew, who ended their friendship, and he couldn't keep the tears from flowing. He needed atonement for what he thought he had done, but with one small turn of his heel, he had disaffected any hope for absolution. This left Stew solely abandoned and discombobulated. Never looking back. Spoon had made his way home. He laid on his bed and looked for comfort from his ceiling.

I could feel my heart trying to claw its way out of my chest. Trying to grasp for air. The cage that keeps it from escaping. I fall unto my bed, staring at a faceless ceiling. The cage tightens around my heart as it struggles more for air. It was getting hard to breathe from all the pain. Fewer tears, my eyes just ogle the ceiling, not releasing my gaze.

'What does he mean I can forgive him or not? Does he dislike being friends with me?' My mind heading down a dark path. I continue thinking, 'I can't even stay by his side as a friend?' The sound of my heart breaking becomes louder. As my thoughts keep getting swallowed by darkness. My vision begins to get blurry.

My body was beginning to feel numb as I lay there lifeless. Frozen, unable to move. My gaze turns to my left arm. My eyes lay upon a sharp object. My arm feels heavy as I struggle to get a closer look. I glare at it for a few moments. My mind is telling me one thing, but my body is doing the opposite. The tip of my finger testing the sharpness. As blood drips down my hand but I feel no pain. I can hear my heart screaming from agony as I continue to dig into my right arm with my hook of a hand. Tears drowning me as they flow like a river. I just stay in bed as I get covered with my own blood like a blanket. Letting the blood drip down my arms. I remain broken as my thoughts abide on him and the past. My floor is covered with puddles of blood.

I stood there all bewilder as I watched my closest friend, turning away. I feel lost as my heart crumbles like a ball of paper. I slap myself on the forehead. My thoughts taken over. 'I just wanted to apologize.' I have no clue where I went wrong. I have no strength left in me to go after him. I begin to walk to a building. The building we as a group named as sinx. It was the place where the village leaders and I had meetings. Where we discuss our ideas on how to handle these wretched hybrids. We never got along, and they need to stay off our homeland.

I sit down as we start the discussion. I am barely unable to focus. My mind is full of Spoon. 'I have to stop bullying him before he leaves for good.' My heart cracking at the thought of that. My heart is barely holding together with threads. I can't handle losing another love. I shake those thoughts out of my head as I turn my focus onto the meeting. Spoon is supposed to be here. But I guess it's only natural he wouldn't after what happened. I stand up to speak. "This is it, warriors. We found cave covern. Where those lowlife hybrids hide out. We must strengthen our troops before we attack." Everyone screams with excitement at my words of encouragement.

When the meeting finally comes to an end, I head home. I walk past his house. I stop and peer at his house. Pain striking as I look away. I keep heading towards my house. My heart yells at me to go see him. I refuse to listen. I get into my house, go upstairs, and lay on my bed. I lay on my side and stared at the wall, unable to remove my gaze from it. Thoughts swimming around my head. Not escaping, they swarm my brain. Until my eyes begin to get heavy, and I let them close shut.

It was a miserable night for the both of them. The broken and sad man got up and cleaned the blood. He felt faint from all the blood he lost but didn't let that stop him. He wrapped his arms in bandages to keep from bleeding out more. He looks in the mirror with a disgust look plastered on his face. He was digusted with himself and full of self-loathing. He curled up in a ball, unable to sleep.

Stew angry with himself just continued to lay there. His mind was still full of how he hurt Spoon. He struggled to fall asleep. He tossed and turned until, eventually, his eyes slowly closed. The night terrors gave him an unpleasant night.

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