The bond between Father and Son

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Night fell upon the moonlit sky. The three Viking boys say their goodnight to the dragon boy. Knot and Finn go their separate ways hand in hand. They waved goodbye. Hectic just smiled on his way to his house. He paused his movements when he saw his dad and Spoon kiss. Shocked to see their relationship develop, he stayed out of sight, so he didn't ruin the moment. "Goodnight," Stew gave Spoon a loving smile. "Goodnight," Spoon kissed his cheek. They let go of eachothers hands. Stew slowly closed the door as he watched Spoon walk away. Spoon floating on a cloud on his way home.

When the coast was clear, Hectic made his way towards the door. He froze when a buff man standing behind him made a sudden noise. "And where have you been?" Stew says in a stern yet clear voice. The young boy slowly turned around to see his father angrily looking down on him. "I...I...I," he stutters with fear. His father rolled his eyes. "Do you know how late it is?" He pointed at the blackness of the window.

Hectic kind of annoyed grew the courage to state, "Yea, and you didn't even realize I was gone till now."

Stew grew angry as he rawred, " Don't you dare speak back to me with such a filthy tone."

"Oh, it's only okay for you to be in a bad mood." He rolled his eyes. Stew filled with raged smacked Hectic. He left a red print on his cheek. Hectic developed tears as he ran upstairs. "I hate you," he shouted from the top step. Stew just stood there, all baffled. Regret pushing its way through. 'God damn it. Not again.' Stew thought to himself. He sighed as he walked to his room.

Hectic curled up in his own bed. 'Why does he hate me so much.' He thought with his heart full of pain. He just let the tears fall. The voices swam around his head. His tears turned into waterfalls, the louder the voices became. The words " weak" and "pathetic" repeat themselves. His head leaned into his palms. Shaken with shivers and unable to sleep.

The next day, Stew woke up early and made breakfast.  He made enough for two. Stew is never able to express himself. This was his way of apologizing. He set up the table. He noticed a scrawny boy slowly make his way downstairs. " I.... I made breakfast for us." He said in a cheery voice.

Hectic stared at the food with a long face. "I'm not hungry. I'm heading over to the training center." He slumped his way over to the door. "See you there." He said with a low voice and slammed the door. His dad hovers over the table for a moment. He placed the pan back on the stove. He sat in a chair and ate by himself. The loneliness made him sad.

Hectic on his way to train, bumped into Knot and Luffy. "Hey peep squeak," Luffy laughed at his own clever remark. Knot just rolled his eyes. He pulled his brother by the arm. "Come on, leave him alone." Luffy just scoffed as he was pulled away. Hectic did not care one bit. He just walked emotionless. Ignoring everything that was said.

Finn had just walked out his door. He noticed his friend upset. He ran up to him and patted his back. "Don't listen to Luffy he's an idiot." Hectic, not even looking at him, just nodded. Finn was at a loss. He didn't know what to say to his friend. They just stood side by side. And walked quietly to where they had to be.

Austria and Nut are their usual selves and are saying cruel remarks to Hectic. Hectic just completely ignored them. This angered Austria as she came over and pushed him down. "Stop being a loser," she yelled at him. He just sat there. He didn't even look up at her. This angered her more as she kicked dirt on him. She walked back to Nut with a cackle. They continued to belittle him. Hectic just stayed there.

Knot and Finn look at each other with concern for their friend. They glared at the bullies and then ran over to hectic. They sat next to him. The three of them are all silent. This was their way of comforting him until he was ready to talk. Hectic noticed the two boys sitting with him, and his eyes began to tear up. Finn going into panic mode. "Ah, what? What's the matter." Finn asked with worry in his tone. Hectic just leaned into him sobbing. Finn placed a hand on his head. "You're going to be okay," Knot joined in and pat his back.

Spoon came over all cheerful. He was ready to begin when he noticed a sad young boy. "Hectic," he stated. "Is everything alright?" He stood up and wiped the tears away. With swollen, red eyes, he nodded. "Let's just start training." He said and looked at the ground. Finn and Knot stood up as well. They looked at each other and then at Hectic. Hectic never removed his eyes from the ground. Spoon hesitantly moved closer. He placed his hand on the boy's shlulder. He could feel the boy was trembling. He looked up to see a troubled look upon Stew's face. He sighed, knowing something happened between the two. He shook his head. "Well," he started. "If you're feeling up to it, then let's get started."

During the session, Hectic was going against 3 sparrow hybrids. A sparrow hybrid can be described as tiny like fairies. They are dragon hybrids with sparrow blood in them. They're also known as death hybrids or death sparrows.They may be small, but they have the speed of a light year and god-like strength. They can be between 1-3 feet tall. But they have angel-like wings. They're known as death hybrids due to how many humans they can kill at one go. Up to 100 people at once. Their special fire breath is a light beam. They also travel in groups. If you ever saw one alone, it means the clock has frozen time. And they're fading away. They don't want to be near their loved ones when their time is up. This is due to the fact that when they are about to die, they blow up like a balloon.

One of the Death Sparrows striked from behind. Using wind force with it wings. Their wings are mainly used for flying, but they can also be used to cut their prey. They use them to make wind and use it like a whip. Hectic numb to the pain never even winced. The other two picked up heavy objects and threw them at their target. Hectic not blocking their attacks. He was covered with scratches and bruises. Stew watched as his son took it. He was full of worry watching his son become a statue. Spoon finally intervene and place the hybrids back in their cage. Austria,  his comrade, stood there bewildered.

Hectic stood there with blood dripping. Like a statue, he didn't move or collapsed from pain. Stew walked over to his son. He kneeled before him and placed his hand on his head. With a sour grin, he began to say, "You did good, son." Tears flowed down from his eyes. Still a statue, he let the tears spill. His father was full of remorse and shame. He pulled his child into a hug. His grip held tight. Hectic squirmed, trying to free himself from the grip. His dad never loosened up his strength. His chest ached with pain. The tears flowed down faster like a riverbank. "," he paused for a moment. His voice trembled. "P...please, le...let me go."

Stew refused profoundly. "I'm sorry that I hurt you." He rubbed his hand up and down his sons back. He tried to comfort him the best he could. "I shouldn't have raised my hand." Hectic fell onto his knees into his father's grip. He sobbed louder.

Everyone who witnessed this moment just stood and gaped. Their eyes burned in the image. Austria rolled her eyes and walked over to Nut. "What a wuss," she laughed. Nut giggled along with Luffy joining in. "Crybaby," he claimed. The three of them laughed harder. Knot slapped his brother upside the head. "Can you guys shut up for once in your sad, pathetic life. Does being immature make you guys feel better about yourselves." Luffy scowled and walked away. The other two followed behind with bore faces. Austria faked a yawn. Finn stood puzzled. He watched his friend weep in his father's arms. His heart is full of concern. He hesitated to walk forward. His armed was pulled back on. He turned his head to see his love behind him. Spoon gave them space but stood near.

Stew let his son cry his eyes out. His clothes got soaked. Snot all over his shoulder. It didn't bother him, though, as he continued to comfort his son. He rubbed his head. His eyes began to water up. He held his ground. He couldn't allow everyone to see him with his masked off.

Hectic's tears dry up. He looked up to see his dad with a worrisome face.  "Sorry," he pouted. His dad laughed at his son. "You look like a puffer fish." Feeling proud of his joke. His son turned away dejected. Stew gasped as he apologized. "I was just trying to lighten up the mood." Hectic looked at his father again and showed a slight grin. Stew patted his son  on the head. "Let's go home." Hectic nodded. "The rest of you continue with training," he yelled. He snarled at the people above who were staring. They all arubtly looked away and leaned back as if they didn't see a thing. The others went back to trained. Hectic and Stew walked back home. The dad cleaned his son's wounds. And wrapped bandages around them. They stayed silent, but it was a peaceful silence.

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