Chapter One: End and Beginning

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Dani enjoyed her life for the most part.
She never had any family to speak off and did not really trust anyone either.
She made her own way in the world, and she loved that. She wanted to conquer the world, but the world was not ready for that.
She was laying in her LA apartment rewatching season of the House of the Dragon and found that Westeros was so backwards that it actually made her cringe.
She was fustrated with Viserys inaction that caused the houses downfall, Daemon blind wild ambition, Rheanrya lack of anything to be a decent heir, Alicent was just crazy near the end, Poor Aegon was forced under so much pressure that he acted out in the most horrible of ways, poor Helenea was disregard instead of being embraced as the the dreamer she was, Aemond a perfect warrior who was held captive by his inability to let a grudge go and poor Dearon the darling, forced to be raised by house Hightower and never really accepted thst part of him.
She was never a fan of Rheanrya children or Daemon because it showed their parents had not taught them anything about Dragon lore nor about the true consequences of their actions.

If she was Viserys, she would have stripped them of all their titles to make a point, and when Rheanrya marries Daemon, she would have made Rheanrya choose Daemon or the throne.

Enough with her ranting, she put on her boots and packed some small close combat weapons on her, then grabbed her bag with her purse and wallet, then headed out to the shop.

While she picked up a bag of dorritios and dipped her phone went off, she picked it up and waited.

"Target is Russo Malteo, paid twenty-five mill up front and anther for when the job is done. Target is currently in LA to score some famous ass."


She put the phone away, bought her things before going home, and got changed.
She made sure any will was in place for local charities and then headed out to the job with her tools.

She drove about thirty minutes to the targets location and found a well hidden whore house, she knew how to blend in, so that was what she did.
Dani took some of her clothes off, messed her golden hair and walked in with a sexy smile. She dodged gropes and calls when she went to a private room and found her target with a girl that did not belong here. This girl was actually in missing posters recently, so Dani walked in silently before Russo could start ripping clothes off, Dani slashed his neck and kicked him to the floor.
The girl of the bed was in shock, Dani grabbed her and pulled her out of the room quacking, they went to the back of the building and ten men were hanging around, not waiting Dani dropped the girls hand and ran at the men and started slaughtering them with little to no effort.
She came back to see the girl had not moved, grabbed her again and ran to her car then drove to the hospital.
Once she had dropped her off, she drove home and checked her phone saying "Done" when she heard a sharp sound then felt her body joult forward and saw blood coming from her chest.

"Trap.......dam it."

Dani fell to the floor slowly going cold, she closed her eyes and slowly let herself go.

As darkness surrounded her she heard a whisper.

"Win the a conquer."

Then she knew no more.

*Little while later*

I didn't know what was happening to me, I knew I had died, I was shot in the heart, and from the gun, she suspected her heart would have been torn to shreds.

This darkness stayed like this, but i felt someone next to, i went to punch it, but i noticed my arms moved like in water, and her hit was not that hard, and they kicked her.
I was fustrated because i still couldn't really see but decided not to focus on the person next to me and mediate for some peace of mind.

After what felt like forever , I realised i was in a womb, and the person next to her was her twin.
I was sad my old life was over but happy to start a new one, i had no idea what to do with a family or siblings but i would see what they were like before i made up my mind.

As time went on, the space got tighter than I thought possible, and my twin was determined to push for more space.
I knew I was female and thankful for it instead of trying to come to terms with becoming male.
One day was hitting my twin which he returned when everything got really tight then a light appeared, my twin drove through first and I heard muffled crys then I decided not to wait and joined the cold world of my new life.

"Another babe, your grace,"

"I know."

I could hear the voice of my new mother, once I was cleaned and man handled by these horrible midwifes I was wrapped and given to my new mother.
She was beautiful in her own way, her face was a little round, she had high cheekbones and different colour eyes, one green, one purple. She had almost silver hair, but she smiled at us both.

"Hello, my little dragons."

The door suddenly banged open, I couldn't move my head to see but they soon came into view and saw a tall man with a serious look but soft eyes looking at us. He had silver hair and purple eyes, and he looked broad and tall.
The young boy had a chubby face with silver hair and deep purple eyes.

"Twins, my love."

"You did so well, Aylessa."

"Thank you, Bealor, what shall we name them?"

"It is up to you, my love."

".....Daemon for our boy........for our girl..........something different.........hhhmmmmm"

Aylessa and Bealor were trying to think of a name when Visery whispered a name.


"What was that Visery?"

"Visenya, she looks to have true spirit,"

Bealor looked at me, and I looked him in the eye with an unflinching look . He gave a small smile, then chuckled

"Yes. Visenya suits her well."

It was after that another couple walked into the room. They had a regal air, but something rubbed me wrong with the man, everyone in the room curtsy to them.

"Hello Father, Mother. May I present our two new children, Daemon and Visenya."

They came to look at us, and I looked at them. My new grandmother was a beautiful woman, and my grandfather almost looked like a troll compared but he was handsome in his own way. They bother had purple eyes and the same cheekbones but something else was niggling at me while looking at them.

"Congratulations, I am so very happy for you both. Your daughter seems to be judging me."

They looked and saw my looking atthis man with a critical eye and Bealor picked me up from my mother and brought me closer to my grandparents.

They looked at me and I looked at them with an unimpressed look but they smiled at me.

"She most certainly is her name sake."

Said Ayslanne with a small smile as she knew Visenya a little, Visenya had the same look.
I started to yawn them and drifted off to sleep wondering why all this felt a little familiar.

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