Chapter Five: Remarry & Arrival

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I looked at the letter in my hand telling me of their arrival at kingslanding.
I knew Aemma would die soon, and Visery would need to remarry, I wanted to beat Alicent to the punch or at least have Viserys child to have another claim to the throne.
I am certain Daemon would join me with enough offering. He searched for me every time he left Westeros. He seemed to like a strong woman, and I was certainly that.
I ensure Gealla, who is my chief advisor and daughter of my aunt Sheara, she is family and has a dragon she calls Gallax, a great big green beast with very sharpe teeth. I would take five more dragon riders with us and a fleet of ships.
My current navy are arming themselves to take down the Iron islands quickly as possible.
I already have spies in every house in westeros, I already have healers and special medicines to heal Viserys from the horrible work of the Measters, I have managed to take out almost all the extremist group within the Citdeal along with the their notes and the notes of the ones that came before them.

All very incriminating and help me minimise the hold the Seven had and the Measters. I had already saved Rickon Starks' life when his brother Brenden tried to poison him. His youngest son is but an infant, and I took him in as my ward to be raised with my youngest child so that they may grow together.

I called my chief adviser and my god and informed them that I would be going to westeros and be prepared to leave within a few hours.

Once I was on the ship, I talked to my advisor Nero about our next steps.

"What are you after in Westeros, my empress?"

"My empire is ever growing Nero, for the sake of my brothers, I am offering them a peaceful way before I resort to conquering."

" That is reasonable, my empress. They are your kin, so it is a good idea to try the peaceful option. First and your brother, who is king of westeros, has just lost his wife. So you could offer an alliance through marriage. So they could join the Empire that way. But what if they declare that they want their king to be your emperor?"

" I would tell them the same thing that I told from my other consorts. They must earn that right to be called my emperor at the moment. My current consorts are fighting it out in the harem, for Viserys, and there will be no differences.
He most likely won't be able to fight for the position at all. Cause it would be too busy running Westeros."

Nero nodded at this because she was right. He would be too busy with the lands that he does have to be able to make any definite impact within the harem and in the capital city.

"What if he choice is not to marry you?"

" If he chooses not to marry me, that will be his decision. But I can be very convincing at least to having 1 night to ensure that he gives me a child, and then I will make sure he acknowledges that child too."

"Thus giving your child to legitimate claim to the Iron throne."

I gave him a predatory smile, and he shuddered a little but agreed with my thinking. If I had a legitimate claim to that throne next to my own claim. And especially if that child for westeros traditions was a boy. I would most likely get the throne for any other, even his little daughter Rheanrya.

"What about your brother daemon?"

"He is a wild card, He can be my greatest ally or my greatest enemy. I have no doubt that he will wish to marry me. But the problem is that he will demand to be my emperor or he'll kill all my other consorts and any more I get in the future to secure his position. Maybe if I invite him and allow him to maime but not outright kill?"

"I think that might be best, my lady. Otherwise, others would fear joining your harem in fear of being killed but the risk of slight naming. I think many would still want to be in your harem."

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