Chapter Six: Brothers

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                                             There will be SMUT in this chapter


I was looking out of my balcony to the city of kingslanding. It still smelled like shit but it seems some of the works I started improved it a little.
The sites were beautiful, though. My ladies came in talking in high Valyrian about some of the men when one announced my brother Viserys' arrival. I was still in my satin night dress, so they gave me a light silk robe, then left the room as my brother entered.
He seemed surprised by my state of dress, but I could also see the lust in his eyes when he was taking in my form.

"Hello, Viserys. What can I do for you?"

"I wanted to see if you would take a turn around the gardens with me?"

"Of course, let me get dressed."

I knew he was hesitant to leave, but when my robe gently fell to the floor, he left, but I knew he was stopping himself from taking me.
My ladies came in a moment later with smirks in their faces and helped wash me before getting me dressed, I felt foreign eyes in me and knew it was either Daemon or Otto.
Once I was dressed and hair styled with my crown adnoring my head, I walked out on chambers with my ladies following me till we got to the garden then they dispersed and I walked to Viserys with a small smile.
I hugged him, and then after he reluctantly let go of my body, I took my arm for us to walk.

"So sister, tell me of your adventures?"

Then I did, I told of him of my travel through Essos and thrn to Old Valyria then beyond.
Told him of he beginning of my conquest was a kingdom beyond Yhi-Ti, they were a truly barbaric nation and I slew their king and transformed the kingdom into something better then once that was secure, I moved on Yhi-Ti , I destroyed their Royal family and took over, taking my first imperial consort as the only son of the royal family left.
After that, we conquered Valyria and had mages clean the area, and that was when we found a cash of dragon eggs. Then my dragon was Balerion himself, who was alive and well.
It seems Jeahaerys faked the dragons death, and that was how my dragon riders were born.
Men and women now under my command who would dragons for my call.
Over the last five years, I took over Essos one city at a time and made sure no news escaped to the other cities or Westeros.
Then I went on about my court and my new Palace were Yuniki once stood, and I could tell Viserys was in awe of what I had done.

"You said imperial Consort, how many do you have?"

"I have three Imperial consorts and two lower Consorts.
I have four sons and two daughters, but I have not chosen an heir yet or an emperor to stand by my side as equals."

"Wouldn't your first born be heir?"

"They are not always the best choice, Viserys. It must be what is good for the realm, not the feelings of one."

He nodded at that, and we carried on talking for a while before we realised that it was late and Daemon walked to us.



We both replied to him with a smile, we carried on walking and retold Daemon everything I had done since I left as a child, and he was jealous I could see it.

"we are looking to the other nations further on before the other and then ensure the kingdom is secure."

That made Viserys pause and look at me, and then I repeated what happened that day I told Jeahaerys.

I have dreamed of East, of the lands beyond. A new empire rose a new with a dragons rule.
From my blood, come The Prince That Was Promised and his will be the Song of Ice and Fire.”

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