The Arrival

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         "Hello, my name is Madison Coleman. Today is March fifteenth, year twenty-twenty-two. I am here with Dr. Lan, Mrs. Sinclair Brown, Mr. John Park and glaring glaring Derrek. He is glaring heavily at me, and I haven't the clue why-"

"Would you cut that thing off Madison, this is nothing to document about." Derrek tried to grab my phone, reaching past Dr. Lan's face to get to me. He was sitting on the far left side of the boat, and I was sitting in the far front on the right side.

I laugh and move my hand away, scooting backward on the Moter boat, creating more distance. "Derrek seems to be a bit agitated on our adventure." I give him a teasing smile.

We were far enough and I knew he wasn't about to get up and give chase. We were on a Moter boat after all and the waves were bouncing the boat quite a lot. He was not about to get up and soon he gave up trying to reach me and sat back down. His Brown curls bounced in unison with the boat. And I heard him mumble under his breath, something about me acting childish.

Which I was not. This was my first time exploring a new island. An island thats not even charted on any of our maps.
Back in New York, Mr. Soon, head of Geography Corp, and our boss tasked us to learn about this new island. See if it had any new findings, like plants, fruits, or any kind of animals. It was said that some Fishermen found it as they were exploring the Atlantic Ocean, however, they did not journey to it. 'Something about it that gave off bad vibes.'

Which baffled me, why not investigate such a new place? I hold in my squeal, as I imagine the possibility that are on the island. What if we made such an amazing discovery that it cured a disease that never had a cure?

"Would you stop grinning so wide? You look like a crazy person," Derrek piped in, ruining my daydreaming.

I sighed into my phone. "Derrek is a very serious guy, I think it's because he does not know How. To. Have. Fun. Maybe there's a cure for his boringness on the Island."

"Madison, we aren't going to find anything new or different. I've ventured on tons of Islands and the only thing different about them is what types of fruits grow on their trees," He scoffed.

I would've said a smart remark but I had nothing to say, it's true Derrek has more experience when it comes to venturing to new places. He's only in his late twenties yet has seen more of the world than I have. He takes pictures of new places and sends them to Geography Corp. I've only journaled popular tourist attractions and gone inside places that haven't been occupied in a while.

"Don't shut her down so quickly Derrek. This Island is different from the others, I can feel it. There's something odd about it not being found in eons. I mean whenever Geography Corp does find an Island it usually has already been found, just not explored thoroughly. Yet this Island...What was it called again? Oh! Yes right, Sveva. Has never been discovered, until now that is." Mrs Sinclair came to my rescue as she wrote in her journal.

Mrs. Sinclair is a thirty-three-year-old historian woman. She is famously known for finding a mysterious mummy all the way in Europe a few years back. She's here with us now, to see if there's anything ancient on the Island. If so she can translate it in a heart beat.

She is a beautiful lady and only about nine years older than myself. She is from Great Britin and has a thick accent that gives it away. Her white skin glowed perfectly in the sun and her strawberry blonde hair swayed gently against the wind. She had blue sophisticated eyes and a body that screamed goddess.
I won't lie, she's kinda my idol.

I glanced over at Dr. Lan. His brows were crinkled as he was trying so hard to read his science book. Yes, He is the scientist in the group. When we set up camp, I'm sure he'll start studying the minerals of the Island and plants right away with his trusty microscope. I laugh a little at the thought of him bringing his own solar outlet. That's what's hes famous for. He invented a solar panel outlet so that if a person were outside in the blazing sun and had no outlet nearby, they could use the solar panel outlet that absorbs the sun's energy to power whatever device they are on. It's pretty cool.

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