The Jungle Man

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Blood, screams, and arrows were all that I could see, all I could hear.

I didn't move, I couldn't move. It was like my body was punishing me for not doing anything sooner, for not running away sooner.

Dr. Lan was dead. His body had dropped like a rag doll, without life.

He was so happy, so excited about his findings...only to be the first one killed.

My knees gave up on me. I wanted to mourn, I wanted to cry, but the wails of everyone screaming louder kept me alert.

"Dammit, I've been hit!" Derrek was on the ground, shuffling in his own pool of blood that spilled from his shoulder.

Mrs. Sinclair tried to run away but was thwarted when one of them went in front of her with the spear. She was going to plead and grovel but they wasted no time and stabbed her with the spear. Her face went from absolutely terrified to disbelief. She opened her mouth and coughed up blood that sprayed onto the man's unblinking face.

I couldn't look away as he raised the spear a little higher and watched in joy as her screaming body slid to the middle of the stick. A trail of her insides and blood stained it until she came to a stop. My breath clogged when I saw her beautiful blue eyes slowly fade into a chilling blue.

My head felt woozy and I was feeling utterly dizzy. I know If I spoke at this very minute, I'd puke.

"Madison, Madison you have to run!"

Turning my head ever so slowly, I saw John. His neck had started to bleed from him calling out to me.

"You have to live, you have to get up," He cried.

He's right. If I don't move soon I'll join every one's fate. I glanced around, hoping to find an escape route, but it seemed fate had dealt us a cruel hand. It was too late for me to run because I was the next prey.

All eyes were on me.

"Go get the other one that ran off!" The scarred man ordered.

Three men ran into the forest without a moment of hesitation. My eyes widened and I quickly darted to where Derrek was.

He was gone. Nowhere in sight. He had left us to die.

I shakily exhaled the breath I was holding, but as I did, it just kept getting worse. I was hyperventilating and it only got heavier when I heard John getting cut off mid-sentence, followed by a gurgly sound.

I can't look behind myself. I couldn't. Fear gripped every fiber of my being as they seized me. Two of his men grabbed my arms, while the other stood back and watched. I felt I was going to faint as I heard his muddy footsteps approach behind me.

"No matter how many of you come." He pulled up my lower face, forcing me to look up into the jungle sky. His grip felt wet and I knew better to know what his hands were covered in. "We will kill every single last one of you." He pushed the knife to my neck as I uncontrollably sobbed.

The rock knife started to scrap my neck, causing some cuts. Two droplets of water on my forehead, It was about to rain.

"No!" One yelled, just before he was about to make his finishing move.

The Scarred man's voice lowered. "Why?"

Please just end my misery. I don't want to imagine these people's torture methods.

"Let's kill her slowly, it's been a while since we had unwanted visitors." The man chuckled. He wanted me to hear that, he wanted me to know I wasn't about to get a quick death.

Before I could even beg for them to change their mind, the man behind me had handed the Scarred one a rope.


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