The Attack

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"God it's boiling out here," Derrek complained loudly as he started to wave his shirt to air his sweat.

We were all in the jungle now. We hadn't spotted anything different other than a few peculiar-looking bugs and more of those pretty rocks.

We were now sure without a doubt that people had been on this Island.

How else would paths this long be here?

Mrs. Sinclair was in the front, leading the way on the dirt path that we now trod on. Dr. Lan was behind her and Derrek was next to him and also in front of me.

I wasn't too far behind him, so I could see his face was still frowning, but hey, at least he wasn't fuming anymore.

I turn my attention away from him. As my eyes scanned for something more interesting, I notice John. He was in the back. His head was down and his eyes were glued to the ground. I slow down my pace and walk beside him.

"You feeling alright? You look red."

He sluggishly stopped looking at the ground and turned his focus to me. He smiled just a tad. "Told ya, I'm not good in the jungle. It's too humid out here."

My lips press into a thin line. He was sweating quite a lot. His face was covered in tiny droplets of sweat and the back of his white buttoned shirt was drenched.

"Hey...we'll get out of know that, right?" I said in a hushed tone. Trying to reassure him.

He stared straight a head for what felt like an eternity. I was about to give up on the chance that he would respond to me."Thank you."

I smile back at him.

We walked for a few more minutes. During that time, I would occasionally giggle at Derrek slapping his neck from the mosquitoes. I guess the mosquitos out here love jerk blood.

"Please tell me we are almost there," Derrek whined as he slapped his arm. "I am getting eaten alive out here."

I was starting to sweat heavily as well but I tried not to let my exhaustion show.

"I believe so, I think I'm starting to see something," Mrs. Sinclair responded.

Squinting my eyes, I tried to see what she saw, but I was in the back with John, trying to help him not pass out, but I was starting to think someone needed to help me not pass out.

I have never been this tired in a long time. It reminds me of when I went hiking with my Dad. He's very fit and loves the outdoors so that was his way to bond with me. But those hiking trips literally took the energy out of me and my legs felt jelly just like today.

I do hope I'll see him again.

"I see it too." Dr. Lan exclaimed and I swear I heard joy in his voice. The humidity is getting to him as well.

As we walked through the dense foliage, I could feel my heart pound in anticipation. I need to rest, we needed to rest. Whatever Mrs. Sinclair saw I hope it's
worthwhile. After all, This was supposed to be an adventure, a thrilling exploration of the unknown. But in the tangled depths of the jungle, I suddenly felt a chill go up my spine.

I turn my head around, still walking alongside John. I do not know why- I doubt highly...but I feel like we are being watched.

Yet all my trembling eyes could see were trees, bushes, and the path. There was nothing that resembled danger behind us. So why do I feel-

The sound of everyone gasping made me turn around. My eyes go wide.

"Holy shit..."

"Oh my god."

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