The Day

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He led me through a labyrinth of ancient trees and twisting vines.

Me and the others had never traveled this deep in the forest, and I'm glad, because animalistic sounds were afar, and they didn't sound friendly.

It made me really fear what was actually in this forest.

To take my mind off of it, I look at him.

I was once again perched on Asai's broad back. I looped my arms around his sturdy neck, my legs gripping tightly around his waist. I felt a twinge of embarrassment as I remembered that he was a total stranger, and no man had ever held me in such a manner before.

If my father saw this, he would blow a fuse.

I sigh through my nose. I'm just happy he doesn't mind. After everything that happened, I'm sure I wouldn't be able to survive alone out here.

On the tree, I was too preoccupied with not dying to clearly focus on his features. So I leaned to the side to study the side of his face. I could see his deep and concentrated brown eyes. His eyes were very unique. To see such green speckles in an eye was fascinating. I straightened a little when I looked lower.

I am surprised.

A person would think a man who lived in the wild would look...unsightly, especially because of his rugged features and his untamed hair. However, it didn't even phase his good looks.

Seriously, this guy had never heard of a shaver before, but damn, he was handsome! He put Derrek's face to shame!

If his people didn't kill my friends or tried to kill me, then they might've had a decent-looking face. But his made me feel weird, I don't know, I can't explain it.

Maybe I'm feeling this way because he saved me. Like a damsel and distress situation, plus he's carrying me. Not into the sunset but pretty close.

Caught staring, Asai's focused eyes suddenly narrowed and turned away. I thought something was admist, that was until I noticed his ears slowly turning red.

Was he ok?! I hope this big guy wasn't sick, hes my only chance at survival after all. "What?" I tense, wincing as we traversed over rough terrain.

He coughed nervously. "Your face...erm-close."

Oh I see, so that was it. He sure is shy.

I'd never met such a shy giant. No one would believe me if I told them I met a giant who was delicate with me but who had also killed some people.

It took about an hour to walk through the forest before I started to hear the sound of splashing water.

He pushed a bush aside that was before us, and I gasped.

We arrived at a magnificent waterfall. Its blue water was crystallizing, even as it flowed harshly against the lake. Ripples could be seen flowing toward us as it became gentle.

I watched in awe as the water twinkled against our skins. This was my first time seeing such clear and pure-looking water.

I admit, I felt bad for it because we both were dirty.

"T-this is your home?" I was expecting a treehouse or a hut. Not a large pool of water being disrupted by a larger waterfall.

He nodded, "You safe."

Other than the rocky mountain that the waterfall flowed through and the trees that enveloped us, I saw nothing that looked like a home.

"What do you mean? I don't see any house?" I puckered my lips. "Is it hidden?"

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