The Consequences

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"What do we do?" I whispered, pushing aside my other burning question to what Haluk said.
He didn't answer, my grip on his arm tightened. My voice grew more desperate, the tension rising in my throat with every passing moment. "Asai, please answer me," I pleaded, my eyes also darting all over his face.
My eyes wavered at him, begging him to look me in the eyes.
I was so afraid and even more afraid because he looked afraid too.
Seeing such a big man as him get scared...It felt like hope was lost.
I nudged him, that got his attention. With his brows creased and his expression grim, he took a deep breath and sighed, closing his eyes.
Asai began to rise up, his body looming taller and bigger above mine. My arm slid off his arm, the panic and fear rising exponentially inside me as I felt even more vulnerable with every inch of space that widened between us.
"Stay-wait no!" I snapped out through my teeth, my voice laced with desperation and fear.
What was he thinking? He was my only guide through this place...If he died...
There was no hesitation or debate in his actions as he slipped off into the forest, the bushes and trees providing instant cover for his exit. I felt my stomach clench with terror while my knees pressed against my chest, my heart pounding in my chest with every scream I heard from the men. But luckily none of them sounded like his voice. I strained my neck around the tree but couldn't see past the thick branches, but I had a feeling Asai was leading the men away from me.
I know we hadn't known one another long. But from spending almost a full day with him I have come to realize he is much better than Derrek.
I just can tell he won't leave me for good.
After hearing the shouts recede into the distance, my ears filled only with the sound of my own breath as I shakily rose to my feet. My brows were furrowed, trying to reassure myself that Asai would be alright - he was an experienced jungle man, after all.
I dug into my bag once more and pulled out bug spray. It wasn't a knife, gun or any weapon that would truly be harmful but hey, it was the only thing I had that was similar to pepper spray.
I couldn't just sit back and wait, assuming Asai would come back in time to save me if the others came. With caution, I walked forward away from the tree now, in the opposite direction of the tribe.
I scanned the area every step of the way, my eyes darting from bush to branch in case someone was hiding in the thick greenery.
Fear and adrenaline surged through my veins, but I wasn't ready to give up just yet.
The air was still hot and my breathing was heavy, the adrenaline pouring into my veins with every step I took. I gripped the spray tightly, scanning the surrounding area for any unknown threats as I tried to protect myself from the unknown.
The sound of my boots crunching never got easier to hear.
This forest...never sounded so slient.
And I have never felt more like prey than this moment.
"I just got to make it back to the waterfall." I glanced to the side. "Wherever that is."
Minutes turned into hours as I walked on, feeling more and more drained as the heat beat down on top of me. The humidity was torture on my African hair and the city girl in me was not coping well. Camping was nothing compared to this.
My dads voice popped in my head. "Just keep moving girls." He would say, trying to encourage me and my sister.
I missed them...I missed them so much at this moment.
This was not the adventure I was hoping for, the adventure I dreamed of.
My eyes started to water and my cheeks felt hot and damp. The urge to scream and cry about my situation was rising inside me, scrambling in my chest and threatening to overcome me. "No Madison, it's no time for tears," I whispered to myself, sniffing and wiping my neck.
But it was too late - a mosquito had found its way to me and my skin.
I smack the back off my neck with a low growl of frustration and tears ready to spill out.
My breath hitched when I heard the rustle of the bushes, my fingers tightening around my bug spray. My eyes scanned the surrounding area, my body tense as I prepared for the worst.
Could that be Asai?
"Oh thank god-"
I screamed and pressed the bugspray, spraying it around.
A male's voice rang out, and I knew it immediately. It wasn't as deep or accented as the indigenous people, but instead, one that was familiar - one that was familiar to me. I never expected this day to come, where my heart soared at the sight of Derrek. His voice filled my heart with joy and relief, and I couldn't help but smile as I recognized him.
"Derrek?" I cried.
Derrek was now on his knees, his eyes filled with tears as he rubbed them. His expression was one of shock and relief that I was alive. "Damn it, Madison!"
"Y-you're alive?"
His eyes were slightly red as he peered up at me. "Of course I am, you see me don't you?"
Derrek was alive, that was the first and most important thing. He looked okay, a couple of scraps on his face and arms but at least he was okay. His arm was bandaged with a makeshift wrapping made from fabric, which was probably to help with the bleeding. And given the tear in his shirt, it was clear he had wrapped it himself.
I bent down to his level and helped him up. "I'm sorry, I just thought for sure you were...after all I-I saw them chase after you."
He wiped his eyes again before blinking profusely at me. "Yeah, I barley made it out, I hid behind a boulder before they found me."
Thats incredible. I know these indigenous people have incredible ways of finding things and people. They have hunting expertise in their genes. So to know that he actually was able to survive...
"I just can't believe it."
While still blinking his eyes many times he dusted himself off. "Yeah well, I didn't get to have a big jungle freak to come save me."
My cheeks became a little warm. "You saw that?"
He averted his eyes before smiling. "A little, anyway where is he?" He scratched his head while gazing around. "Where's John?"
My shoulders sagged as the thought of John filled my mind once more. His frightened eyes and desperate words were seared into my brain. I bit my lip, trying hard not to think of the way his throat was slit. I could see Derrek's eyes widening when he noticed my silence and expression, "Man... what a way to go..."
My hands tightened to my sides with anger and I pointed my finger at him, my tone sharp and accusatory towards him without holding back. "He wouldn't have gone that way If you didn't leave us to DIE!" I exclaimed, the words bursting forth from my lips without any filter.
Derrek's brown curls bounced with each step he took back, and he had grown angry and defensive. "What, you're blaming me?" His voice was sharp, his hands being flung upward. "I'm sorry, who was the one excited for new discoveries and danger? You got what you wanted," he snapped back in response.
"I did want adventure but..n-not this, not this horror."
I start shaking my head, refusing to concede on my stand point that Derrek was to blame. "We all could've survived if you had stayed with us."
He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms in obvious irritation. "Oh, oh, and tell me just what I could've done, huh?" He said in a sarcastic tone. "If you hadn't noticed, they had us cornered. You were frozen in fear while everyone was getting killed. If anyone's to blame for being a coward..." He glared at me, taking another step towards me. "It's you."
As Derreks harsh words pierced me, my lips tightened in anger because I had few words to respond with.
What could I say? Was he right?
After everything that happened, I couldn't help but feel a surge of guilt rising within me - could I have been a hero instead? I was terrified during that moment... watching as Mrs. Sinclair was impaled and John, was slit at the throat.
If only I was stronger... maybe I could've saved him.
Derrek swiped angrily at the air, frustration oozing off him. "I didn't have no big strong jungle man save me," he said in disgust. "I had to run in the woods with a injured arm." My heart broke at the expression on his face as he looked me in the eye and admitted his pain. "Not only was I afraid all night but... but I was filled with guilt as well."
How could I have been so selfish? Even though Derreks a dougebag, he also is human as well.
After standing in silence for a moment, I let out a soft sigh, my anger and frustration fading away. Instead, I was left to realize how much it must've hurt him to admit his guilt. "I'm sorry," I mumbled quietly, realizing how much I had hurt him in my own blind anger.
He huffed, "Whens that giant coming?"
I place my hand on my hip. "His names Asai...and I don't know, I'm worried..."
"Why? Shouldn't you be grateful he's gone, after all, he probably just wanted your body anyway." His face grimaced. "Everyone here is a goddamn menace."
"No! Not him he-he never touched me in a harmful way, he could've had many chances to take advantage of me, yet he has been kind all throughout. Even when his tribe said they would kill him or let him go, he protected me."
Derrek pushed through his hair roughly. "Well whether he is on our side or not we gotta get out of this area."
He started to tread forward. Pushing huge leaves out if his way. "Are you coming?"
"I-I didn't plan to go far," I said softly, turning around to search through the trees and bushes with my eyes, to see if I could figure out where Asai had gone.
My heart ached at the thought of him getting upset or being angry at me, my hands fumbling with each other as I tried to control the fear flooding my mind.
"W-what if he starts to look for-"
He groans loudly. "Damn, you're so stubborn. I swear it's like your parents never taught you to be selfish or something."
What did that mean? I twist my lips.
After a few seconds of ruffling up his hair, he lets his body sag. "Fine, I'll help you search for him."
I took a step forward, doubting his sincerity. "Really?"
"It's not like I have a real plan to get us to safety and that big lug of a man might really be of good use."
"So you'll help me?"
He started to head into Asai's direction. "Only for a couple of hours and only if it's safe."
I can't believe this. It's almost like he's a changed person. If this island literally didn't kill my coworkers I would've thanked it.
I smiled briefly at him. "Great."

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