The introduction

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We sat in the darkness of the cave, neither of us speaking a word. The sound of the waterfall was the only thing that filled the void between us. After our argument, Asai stomped off to the other side of the cave and was muttering under his breath.

I couldn't understand why Asai was so angry with me. I felt like I was doing a good thing by trying to take the plant to heal the world. However, as soon as I tried to explain this to the big, handsome jungle man, he just waved me off dismissively. No reason, no conversation, just rude!

I want to try my to explain how much this plant could mean to the wider world, but it is so gosh darn difficult to get my point across.

Asai doesn't seem to understand or care about the gift this plant could have for others.

How can I show him?

I took a deep breath and straightened up. "Well, don't start grumbling; I have some questions for you."

I paused for a moment before adding: "Asai?"

He was in the middle of rolling his big muscly shoulders. He was almost dry now, the only thing really wet was his hair and that small cloth.

His brows were still crinkled but he didn't hesitate to glaze over at me. His brown eyes speckled green seemed to soften as he waited for me to speak.

"Well, uh I feel I need to really introduce myself." I say pushing some damp hair away from my neck.

"My name is Madison, Madison Coleman. I'm a Geographer," I continued. "Do you know what that is?"

The question was a fair one, he had been living in the jungle all his life, and it was unlikely he had ever heard of such an occupation. But I held a confident gaze, waiting for his response.

His expression was complexed, a mix of emotions playing across his features. I could tell that he was trying to understand.


I leaned in a little.

"I don't understand."

I almost waved my hands in the air from annoyance, however that would mean the blanket would rise and I wasn't giving him the satisfaction of that.

So I just sighed.

"Me and my friends came here to study your home, to learn about this island." I began, feeling the importance of the moment.

"I never meant to cause offense. To be honest, we didn't even know that this place was inhabited." I continued.

"I'm sorry that I made you upset. Do you forgive me?" I finished.

His head went to the side. "Forgive? that?"

I scrunched my nose. "Its means...that you're not mad at me no more?"

His brows stopped and he relaxed. "I forgive."

I smiled.

After a couple of seconds I began again. "Do you have a last name, Asai?"

He cocked his head and looked at me with genuine confusion.

"What is a...last name?" He asked, having no idea what that was.

Right, his people probably have no need for last names or something.

I decided not to try to explain that one. "How can your people understand us, I mean how can you speak english?" I started, trying to change the subject and phrase it in a way that was easier for him to understand.

His confusion was gone now, replaced by a subtle, smile.

"Outsiders...many outsiders came to our home." He mumbled "We learned from them, but I learn from tribe. You only outsider I met."

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