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Just realised I've been spelling wyper's name wrong all this time hahaha

Ryo senses a lot of stuff happen luffy battling eneru, Ussop and Nami getting off the ark, Sanji sacrificing himself

And finally lighting striking down everywhere finally snaps him awake

Ryo: Ugh!

Nami: Guys go now once I find luffy I'll be right behind you

Ussop: yeah gotcha, hurry Robin we got to find a way to carry these giys to the ship

Ryo sits up

Robin: uh Ryo

Ryo: Hey


Then Wyper wakes up


Then zoro wakes up

Robin: Swordsman

Then Ganfall wakes up

Ussop: weird old guy oh good your awake now there's no time to,lose do you think you can walk yet

Ganfall: so eneru has begun

They see lighting striking down everywhere

Robin: we just all hurry now there is truly nothing more we can do here

Aisa: wiper

Nami rides up giant jack on the waver

They are waiting at the bottom of the vine for eneru to fly above

Robin: he's far above now it's only a matter of time unti,his ship reaches the top of the vine

Ganfall: I don't get it what is it that eneru wants up there

Robin: he's trying to get to the golden bell

Ganfall: a bell?

A huge lighting bolt strikes near them

Wyper: a golden bell.tell me that's what you said isn't it

Aisa: Wyper

Ussop: who was talking about a golden bell

Wyper: just before you where struck by that lightning bolt you where speaking of a golden bell which eneru desires now we know what eneru's gong for you have to tell me where it is

Ussop: hold on can we think about this for just a second guys you saw that Thunderbolt we are as good as dead if we don't get out of here

Robin: it's up this beanstalk somewhere close to the top

Wyper: you sure how do you know this

Ussop: wait?

Ryo: Ussop shut up this time

Robin: the ruins of shandora are in the layer directory beneath us the giant beanstalk pierces the very centre of the city

Ussop: oh man these ruins or whatever they are got blasted too dust and if we don't get out of here right now we're gonna be next

Ryo: I thought I told you too shut up the lighting is loud enough I don't need your shouting giving me a bigger headache

Ussop stops: oh sorry

Robin: in the ruins I discovered a map that reveals the location of the grand bellfree that holds the golden bell it could be found in the heart of the ancient city too put it simply the force of the impact with vine must have sent the bell hurling skyward to its current location

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