A fire that will never be extinguished

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Ryo and Kryos are still brawling both of them are fighting with all they have

Ryo: (I could destroy this guy with that but that would not be a satisfying end to Kryos's life it ends to end with a fight he can be proud of)


Ryo is now encased in lightning and his arms are invaded in lightning armour

Kryos: so you are trying to even the playing field

Ryo: you could say thay but I thought you where the one that said no talking

Both of them rush at each other again


Kryos jumps and slams himself down on Ryo who blocks it with armament Haki creating a shockwave

Ryo: Thunderous grapple!

Ryo grips the fish man tightly with a lightning infused grip and with a lot of force slams him too the ground


Kryos shoots out tendrils made of blood and they wrap around Ryo before tossing him away

Ryo grits his teeth in mid air and uses Luna dance to recover and skid along the ground

That's when they both hear something it's them broadcasting to luffy and luffy responds syaing they can launch an air bubble that'll wrap around the Noah luffy tells them to just do it

Ryo: alright seems like luffy is taking care of hordy

Kryos: no way hordy would never let himself fall like that he will beat that stupid human!

Ryo: fine then let's resume

They then hear words ring through out the battlefield

It's clear now hordy is

He's not a fishman

He's a ,o steer brought to life by our hatred

The new fishman pirates they are nothing but remnants of a grudge from ages past

We allowed their evil to fester in the shadow of fishman island and they began to champion this meaningless grudge

Flying it's flag in some misguided sense of pride

They fear a future without it

In truth they want humans to be evil otherwise their is no reason to justify their crusade

Their only desire is bloodshed

And despite what they say they don't want peace for fishmen either

Kryos: it's true we where chosen by heaven to punish the humans and now we have the strength and with it we'll do just that

All of their fury it doesn't come form experience logic or fact

They have no substance

Just empty cruelty

Kryos: I suppose he's right but personally I don't care humans are evil, you know that

Ryo: yeah I do know that but I also know that there are good humans my brother is a good human, my friends are good humans

Kryos: really then why are they fighting us

Ryo: it's simple because you wanna hurt our friends it's simple as that!

Ryo and Kryos resume their huge bloodied battle

Kryos now stands twice as tall as Ryo, with huge muscles, dark red eyes and a blood like aura emitting from his body

The Kitsune's destiny, One piece x male oc Where stories live. Discover now