The Electrifying fight

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Ryo and Fulguro move around pica's body at insane speeds

As the battle raged on, Ryo and Fulgoro danced amidst the crackling bolts of electricity, their movements a blur of speed and precision.

Ryo: You're not bad with those tricks, but tricks aren't going to be enoguh

Fulgoro: Ha! You think you can talk big while dodging my attacks? Let's see how long that bravado lasts!, VOLTIC FLASH!

With a flick of his wrist, Fulgoro sent a surge of electrical energy hurtling towards Ryo, who deftly sidestepped the attack and countered with a swift kick to Fulgoro's midsection. The impact sent Fulgoro reeling backwards, but he quickly regained his footing and retaliated with a barrage of lightning-fast strikes.

Ryo: Not bad, but I've seen faster!

Their clash continued, as each of they sought to gain the upper hand. Fulgoro unleashed a barrage of electrified projectiles,


forcing Ryo to dodge and weave through the onslaught with lightning-quick reflexes.

Fulgoro: You can't keep this up forever, dragon killer! Sooner or later, you're gonna slip up, and when you do, I'll be there to finish you off!

Ryo: Don't count on it!

With a burst of speed, Ryo closed the distance between them and unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks, each infused with the power of his lightning-enhanced strikes.

Ryo: Thunderous Gatling!

Fulgoro fought back with equal ferocity, his movements a blur of crackling electricity as he sought to overwhelm his opponent.

Fulguro: Relentless volts!

Their clash intensified, the sound of their blows echoing through the air as they continued to trade blows with lightning-fast precision. Despite the ferocity of their battle, neither combatant showed any signs of backing down

They soon clash fists sending a blast of electricity in every direction and they jump away from each other skidding along the ground

As their eyes locked in a silent exchange of determination, a surge of electricity crackled around Ryo and Fulgoro, enveloping them in a shimmering aura of power. With a shared understanding that words were no longer necessary, they both surged forward, their movements synchronized in perfect harmony.

Their clash was like thunder and lightning, a symphony of crackling energy and furious strikes as they collided with earth-shattering force. Each blow reverberated through the air, sending shockwaves rippling outwards in all directions.

Ryo: You're fast, I'll give you that!

Fulgoro: And you're not bad yourself, dragon killer!

Their banter was drowned out by the deafening roar of their battle, the intensity of their clash escalating with each passing moment. With lightning-quick reflexes, Ryo countered Fulgoro's onslaught, his movements a blur of speed and precision as he sought to gain the upper hand.

Fulgoro: You're gonna have to do better than that if you want to beat me!

Ryo: You talk too much!

With a burst of speed, Ryo launched a barrage of lightning-infused strikes, each blow landing with the force of a thunderbolt.

Fulgoro fought back with equal ferocity, his movements fueled by raw determination as he sought to match Ryo blow for blow.

Their battle raged on, the air crackling with electricity as they continued to trade blows with unmatched intensity. Each strike was a testament to their strength and skill, a testament to their unwavering resolve in the face of adversity.

As the dust settled and the echoes of their clash faded into the distance, Ryo and Fulgoro stood locked in a silent standoff, their breaths coming in ragged gasps as they prepared for the next round of their epic duel.

The crackle of electricity intensified around Ryo and Fulgoro as they tapped into their elemental prowess, each channeling their haki to enhance their already formidable abilities. With a synchronized surge of power, they surged forward once more, their movements fueled by an unyielding determination to emerge victorious.

Their clash was like a tempest unleashed, a whirlwind of lightning and haki-infused strikes that rent the air with their ferocity. With each blow, the ground trembled beneath their feet, unable to withstand the sheer force of their combined might.

Ryo: You're not bad, but I'm afraid this is where it ends for you.

Fulguro: We'll see about that, dragon killer!

Their words were lost in the cacophony of their battle, the intensity of their clash reaching unprecedented heights as they pushed themselves to the brink of exhaustion. With lightning-quick reflexes, Ryo dodged Fulgoro's strikes, countering with his own lightning-infused blows that crackled with raw power.

Fulguro: You're faster than I expected!

Ryo: And you're more resilient than I gave you credit for!

Their exchange was punctuated by bursts of electricity and flashes of haki, each blow landing with the force of a thunderbolt as they fought tooth and nail for supremacy.

With a final surge of power, Ryo and Fulguro rushed forward both of them encased in lighting



Their strikes clashed destroyed the ground beneath them they where locked in combat and where both now hrutl8ng towards the ground still clashing

And then the huge ball of lightning made up of the two warriors crashed into the ground below

The dust settled and Ryo was seen on one knee while Fulguro was unconscious on the floor

Ryo: Thanks Fulguro gotta say that was one epic fight

Ryo fell to the ground too take a good nap

Ryo: Heh I'll be there soon Luffy just need to take a break Haha

And that's a wrap

Short chapter today, don't worry this isn't the end of Ryo's role in this arc I just didn't want to have him running for a lot of chapters

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