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All the Whitebeard pirates cheer for the three brother

Ace is free

Ace: Let's all  split up for now don't let your guards down yet

Ryo: you got it!,

Luffy: Ok!

Ace: Flame Commandment! Fire pillar!

He creates a huge pillar of fire scorching all the marines below him

Ryo: Ha! One good turn deserves another Thunderous BOLT!

Ryo sends down a swarm of lightning bolts electrocuting any marine that it hits

The three brothers crash too the ground surround by a ring of fire

Ace: Can you two still fight

Luffy: of course I can

Ryo: Who do you think you're talking too?

Ace: Never thought I'd need my little brothers to save me guess I'll swallow my pride this time I owe you two one

Luffy: Haha thanks but I sure couldn't of done it if Whitebeard hadn't of shown up

Ryo: I'll be super glad to take you up on that offer as soon as we get out of here

Marines: You think we'll let you get away consider this your execution ground pirates

A ton of bullets are fired at them

Ryo jumps while his brothers just take them

Two marines with swords charged at luffy

Ryo: Hey! That's my little brother you are trying to murder

Ryo takes out one

Ace: So we'll have to ask you too stop

Ace takes out the other

Ace: Now Ryo!

Ryo: Right!

Both: Lightning Flame cannon!

Together they send out a huge blast of fire and lightning taking out any ,alien in there way

The two fist bump

Luffy: now second gear!


Luffy takes out 3 more marines

Ryo: Ha! Lighting sword style! Rice spirit!

Ryo takes out 5 more marines and then lands clicking his fingers striking them with lighting

Ace: Fire gun!

Ace tkaes out even more marines with fiery bullets

A marine goes for Ace

Marine: You're dead!

But Ryo kicks him too the ground with an axe kick

A swordsman appears behind Ryo

Marine: you're mine Raikiri!


The marine goes flying

The three brothers are standing together once again

Ace: this is fun and all but the sooner we get out of this dump the better right

Luffy: Uh huh

Ryo: Ha! I've been saying that since we freed you

Vista: They are a fine team I dare say

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