The power of a conqueror

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The citizens cheer for them

One of the pirates shouts for them but they ignore him

They are ran through all the stuff that happened so that, zoro, brook and Ussop could escape

It includes brook turning into a ghost, zoro doing a lot of cutting and they get saved by Papagu and the king's whale

Chopper; Anywya luffy knocked their captain out in one hit why don't they seem more worried about that

Robin: you're right that's odd

Nami gives shirahoshi her mother's letter

Shirahoshi: I can't tell you how much this means to me I know it may look like an ordinary letter but it's this islands hope

Luffy: that's enough weepyhoshi it's not safe

Jinbei: he's right you weren't meant to be caught so you must leave now while you can

Shirahoshi: kuffy what did you call me it was almost my name but

Luffy: yeah I was wrong about you, you're a wuss but more than just a crybaby so I'll call you weepyhoshi

Robin: when a person feels as if they've been wronged then it's only natural that they would turn to hate

Ryo: Yeah most of us have been there and done that in fact it's exactly what hordy is doing now

Nami: but you chose not to hate, a coward wouldn't do that, hardship has only made you stronger in the end

Jinbei: Nami is right you endured princess I'm proud of you

Shirahoshi: I appreciate it but I feel like I've caused everyone trouble by keeping this to myself

Jinbei: I'm sorry you're mistaken your intentions where pure just like those who have come before you our heroes who planted a seed in your heart and it has blossomed beautifully if everyone though they way you did then there would be no more fighting and the conflict between fishman and humans would end at last, you may have suffered throguh those past years alone but that doesn't make that time meaningless single-handedly you are a defender, protecting the virtues of others day after day but today we're here we'll protect them for you

The crew smile ready to fight

Shirahoshi:, so much

Luffy: still a crybaby that's for sure

Ryo: Haha somethings never change

Hordy crashes in: I knew vanderdecken was going to save me he couldn't even get rid of one lowsy princess

Hordy looks ready to fight and he stomps forward

Hordy: her power is too great it really is the stuff of legends once I found out it was real I knew I had to eliminate her as soon as possible but then you got in my way admittedly I should've known something was wrong when you where captured without putting up a fight Jinbei, you really like these humans don't you people like you are the worst you've completely forgotten your pride see you grew up with tiger in our district and let's not forget arlong he was like your brother both of them where beaten or killed by humans but instead of avenging them you went and got in bed with the humans it's pathetic Jinbei you're just like Neptune but soon everything is going to change once I'm king that is, here that I'll start with the world summit, that'll be the perfect place with every human ruler in the same place they'll be easy to kill and then everyone in the world will learn to fear our underwater kingdom, the kingdoms in disarray we'll drag the humans int the depths and enslave every last one in time there won't be a soul left to stand against us and we will rule that great pirate era Haha oh yes you pirates will bow the same as everybody else just you wait 'he gestures roo the human slaves' see! These humans ar emirs than capable of holding their own yet the kneel before me that's right in a moment you'll be jjst like them strawhats, I'll be king of the fishmen, king of the humans and king of the pirates

Ryo: (uh oh he shouldn't of said that)

Luffy: is that so and too think there are only eleven of you too stand in my way what can you possibly do when we're 150,000!

Hordy: kill them new fishman pirates

Chopper, Ussop and Papagu are freaking out

Brook: there are so many enemies, if I try to count them my eyes may pop out but then again I don't have eyes so they can't.Yohoho

Nami: just 150,000 that's nothing we can't handle right

She's hiding behind zoro, Snaji and Ussop

Ussop: wait you are only saying that because you're hiding behind us

Franky: alright it's time to shine! Super! Armoured me alright let's do this already get over here

Sanji to zoro: encase you can't count we are each gonna have to take down about 14,000 of these guys to win this fight

Zoro: they have numbers but it doesn't make them stronger it's not like they are navy admirals or anything so don't crap your pants

Snaji: after these guys you're next number 14,001

Zoro: bring it on I can't wait

Luffy: come on Ryo

Ryo: right behind ya captain

They walk forward confidently

The new fishman pirates rush him by in sync Luffy and Ryo let out a wave of conquers Haki

And then 100,000 members of the new fishman pirates fall

That's 2/3 without a trace of effort

They can't believe it

Hordy's mouth is wide open

Robin: that Haki

Jinbei: that training paid off for both of them I see

Snaji: unreal I mean conquers Haki scary

Zoro: I'd expect no less otherwise he couldn't be my captain, as for Ryo well he's luffy's brother what's more too say

Shirahoshi: oh my luffy

Luffy: You're names hordy right I'm about to kick your ass

Ryo: you want to become a king of a country go ahead we couldn't care less

Luffy: but king of the pirates Nu uh that's my job

Ryo crackles with electricity ready for a serious fight

And that's a wrap

Ooh it's getting serious now

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