Chapter 4

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"Alright Indiana Goodberg." I haven't had a chance to talk to her yet since we didn't have any classes together today. "Care to explain what the hell is going on with you and Parker."

"Nothing is going on. He just felt bad for hitting me in the head that's all."

"Mhm. Whatever you say." We start walking towards the oval for lunch, which is the best part of the day. We turn the corner and I bump into a brick wall. Wait. This isn't a brick wall. I look up and see that I ran into Sam. Wow, he has a strong build.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to run into you." Sam says. I freeze at hearing his voice. I look up at him, loosing very train of thought and just focusing on the deep blue of his eyes.

Snap out of it Maya. "It's all good. It's sort of my fault as well." Sam smirks at me. I then see Kruz place his hand on Sam's shoulder. 

"Watch where you are going Sam. You could've ran her over." Kruz says. He looks at me with amusement in his eyes. 

I see Indi in the corner of my eye looking at Kruz like she wants to punch him. She then looks at Parker and he smirks at her, making her face automatically light up, she smiles at him back.

My attention goes back to Sam and Kruz who are both intensely looking at me. No one says anything so there is a long stretch of silence playing out.

"Anyways, sorry about that guys." Finn says, breaking the awkward silence that was playing out.

We all go our own way to the oval, with them going the longer route and Indi and I going the shorter route.

"What the fuck was that Maya!" Indi shouts at me.

"Shoosh! They can probably hear you." 

"I don't give a rats ass that they can hear me. That was the most cute but awkward thing that I have ever watched. But fucking Kruz had to ruin the moment with his comment. He's not even that funny." I can practically see the steam coming out of Indi's ears. "Oh but the way Sam was looking at you." She looks at me with a big grin. I start blushing hard just thinking about it. 

We stay silent the rest of the way to the oval, which I'm fine with since all I can think about is what just happened.  

For the rest of the day the scene from lunch keeps playing over and over in my head that I can't even focus in class. 

Even during lunch the whole group was just staring at us. I mean I don't blame them after what unfolded and the awkward silence that followed. 

School has just ended and I'm walking to my Mum's office. Both me and Indi's Mum's work at our school, which comes in handy whenever we need to talk to them or need something. 

I'm about to enter her office when I hear whistling coming from behind me. I look behind me and see Kruz walking close to me. He smirks at me and continues walking until I've lost sight of him.

Today has been the most confusing day in history.  

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