Arlecchino's Less But Eventually Slowly gets a Little Gay Panic at the Disco..?

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-"Lady Furina!?"
I had exclaimed in surprise...
How.. how did it end up like this??..


A minute or more ago...

The scene before me was new, but also exciting as the prospect of finding all the intel I'd ever need loomed ahead. However, there was still something else I couldn't yet place which also made me feel... Made me want to...
I haven't the words to express it.

The blaring spotlights, extravagant decor, and crowds of people from all different walks of life.
It was certainly intriguing, such new experiences I never had in my past, despite having lived in Fontaine for quite a while...

But quickly, my focus was torn from the scenery, back to Furina as she looked up towards me with those wide heterochromatic eyes. There was even a little blush over her nose, most likely from the alcohol of course.
Her soft hand was in mine, and her grip was a little tight, indicating that she was certainly interested.

We started with some slow steps, keeping in time with the slow music the band provided.
For a drunken little god, she certainly knew how to dance, I suppose from the years that she had been having these parties would aid in her skills? Hm, curious.

Slow steps started to edge with a little bit of romance. From earlier observations, small actions like this are enough to melt Furina into a flustered puddle.
A hand on her waist creates a spectacle of blush across her cheeks, whereas a twirl will bring her to a joyful smile. It was kind of cute in a way.

As we continued, I too felt myself smile.
Dancing with an Archon wasn't that bad...

I noticed her gaze returning to my eyes,
"My... you're quite the dancer, Monsieur..."
Furina spoke with an amused expression, clearly having the time of her life.
Was I really a good dancer? I only tried it a few times...
And I'd almost forgotten that she didn't know my identity, calling me 'Monsieur' with a dreamy expression like I was not just a Harbinger that could kill her in a second...
Hmm, I'd never dare think of potentially doing that again.
For now, I should act like I don't know her, whilst also keeping my identity hidden.

"Hm, only the best for someone like you, Chérie," I said in response to her earlier query, trying to sound a little more assertive as to keep the odd thing of flirtation in play.
And anyway, Furina appeared to enjoy being called those little terms of endearment.

Perhaps I could impress her a little more? She's clearly drunk, so it should be simple.
I subtly took out a rose from my back pocket, hiding it in the sleeve of my suit. Then, with a little bit of added flare, made it seem like I'd pulled it out of thin air.
Furina's expression was pricelessly adorable, stunned as she tried to comprehend where it had come from. Putting the rose between my teeth, we continued to dance.
Although she still had such a love-struck face, it seemed my plan was going accordingly. Just a little more and perhaps she'd give off some perfect information with a slip of the drunken tongue...

"Smitten, eh?"
I gave a slight laugh,
"Adorable... Well, whilst we dance, why don't we also have a nice chat?" I asked, twirling the little god over with a sweet smile.

Furina was quick to reply,
"Hm, that certainly sounds appealing... Sure, why not? I'd love to get to know you.."

Her words were honest as if she truly cared about me, It seemed the charms were working! Who would have thought a god would be so soft and easy to win over? It's kind of endearing... Eh, not like I care... My plan was truly in full swing and now was my chance to see if Furina would spill any secrets...

"So uh.. Whaddya do when not just stealing women's hearts?"
Furina asked me, her little drunken giggles reminiscent of a young schoolgirl with a crush. Our dance by now had slowed considerably in turn with the music, so it meant talking would now be our focus. Perfect.

I chuckled along with her,
"Nothing too overly interesting, a somewhat simple life with some business on the side... What do you do? When not being so adorable, Chére?"

My speech should be just enough, but not too much that I'd give anything away. Blowing my cover now would be terrible considering how close she is to maybe finally saying something that could give me new answers to help the crisis... Anything. Anything at all.

Furina thought for a moment,
"Well, I try to keep things interesting. I do a bit, well quite a lot, of performing and acting as a hobby. That's about it really, for interesting stuff..."

A bummer, nothing that great yet, but with a little more charm and some honestly enjoyable dancing, maybe I'd get somewhere.

We continued to speak for a good while, it was clear Furina was intent on the conversation, her eyes always making their way back to gaze up at mine.
It's a shame I hadn't got anywhere with information gathering, but it's not like I could give up now, right?

I saw her then turn back towards the rest of the stage, I followed suit in the observation.
People were now joining in the dancing, the music now returning to a lively beat.

But once I looked back at Furina, her expression was something entirely different.
I thought I was the one who'd be inspecting her but now?..
She had her full attention on me as if figuring something out.

Her eyes trailed down to my hands, looking at them thoroughly as if realising something. Perhaps, I should've worn gloves...

Furina then stared back into my eyes, even I wouldn't be able to match the amount of concentration she had on me! Is the alcohol making her see things? What's with the sudden stare... I continued to maintain my composure to the best of my ability, of course.

It had started to become a little unnerving, what on Teyvat was going through her drunken little head?
It was time to speak up,

"Uhm.. Miss-"
But I couldn't finish my sentence.
Furina had gotten on the tips of her toes and had leaned forward.
I felt her hand softly graze the skin on my cheek.
What was she doing? What was with the sudden proximity change?? And... Why does my face feel so warm?..

I went to speak again, to get a word out or anything! But before I could even comprehend my own thoughts...

I felt her lips press against mine.

A kiss... A kiss from a God...
It was soft and sweet, but I still could barely figure out what was happening. It was but a fleeting moment, but somehow felt like ages...
I was almost tempted to return it, but I feared the risks...
Furina then pulled away, removing any potential chance I had at kissing her back.
She was smiling, albeit a little nervously.
What on Teyvat was I supposed to say after such an event??

-"L-Lady Furina!?"

I exclaimed in a flustered panic, not considering my words.
But in doing so, I'd revealed that I knew it was her under that mask...
Oh god.
I saw her expression drop into one of surprise at the mention of her name. If her cheeks were red earlier, this was a whole new level of blush...
Both our covers were blown,
and she'd actually kissed me.

But by the looks of her red cheeks and a faint smile on her face, we both clearly enjoyed that moment, despite the absurdity of the scenario..

...Do I... Perhaps feel the same way? N-no... Of course, I don't...

So why is my heart racing?

𝐴 𝑇𝑖𝑝𝑠𝑦 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝐹𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒...~Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora