A meeting with a certain Espresso...

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After a quick retrieval of sunglasses and a quick farewell to Neuvillette, Furina was back on track as she burst out the door once more!..
Before immediately regretting that decision as well, holding her head as the pain continued to come...
But, she put the pain aside, her focus returning to the more positive side of coming outside.
The 'date', of course!
Furina grinned, oh how she wanted to see Arlecchino once more...
Or maybe a few more times, who knows?

Furina walked along the street, her goal: the Café.
Her mind raced with ideas at what sort of conversations they'd have, what things they would order, and what the plan would be for the two of them since it was... A little complicated.
A god with a mortal? The idea was still confusing for her yet still continued to make her heart flutter. The idea of love intruiged her, she had read the occasional story or two, and dreamed about finding 'the one' for her but...

She still feared the risk of losing it all.

Furina looked about, people were already looking over with shock and surprise. It wasn't too often she'd come out without Clorinde or any other of the Gardes by her side, and in such casual clothing.
Furina noticed their gazes, returning their observations with smiles and waves to the best of her hungover ability but still wincing from the sting.

God, socialising sucks sometimes...

After dealing with some small groups of enthusiastic locals, Furina managed to survive the interactions and arrive at the lovely café.
The majority of the seats were empty. It was unusually quiet for this time of day. Furina sighed, where on Teyvat was Arlecchino?.. Was she early? Late?? Furina looked around anxiously.
C'mon.. c'mon.. Where are you..?
Furina waited for a few more minutes, well, roughly a few. There wasn't a clock in sight so Furina couldn't tell the exact time. She sighed defeatedly, wondering if she had lost her only chance.
She turned away and started to walk off, her head lowered.

But before Furina could completely leave, a light tap on her shoulder caused her to stop.

"Huh?" She spun around instantly.
The sight before her however, made her gasp in surprise.
That stylish yet casual suit, that gorgeous silvery hair and overall handsome demeanor?? It... It was her!
"M-Miss Arlecchino??"
Furina's face lit up in blush, who wouldn't at the sight?

Arlecchino scratched at the back of her neck, obviously a little ashamed of being late for the little god.

"Sorry I was late, my Lady. I was helping the children at the home with their food, but I came as soon as I could," She gave a light smile.

Furina smiled too, not minding at all and forgetting all of her pain and troubles... Wait, children? Is Arlecchino a parent?.. Furina thought it was kind of cute, considering how tough Arlecchino seemed at first.

"It's ok! Please, don't worry. For now, we should focus on our little da- I mean, little hangout, no?"

Arlecchino nodded in response,
"Of course, that was the plan."
She turned back to the café, and started to walk. Furina took the hint and followed suite, walking closely next to her.
She's so tall...

While Arlecchino remained focused on the short walk back to the café, Furina couldn't help but watch her moves in awe.
The walk wasn't long at all, they soon arrived back and picked a good table in the outside area.

Furina rested her face against the palm of her hand, her elbow lightly grazing the wood of the table while she continued to look up at Arlecchino.
"So.. what're we ordering?" Furina queried, excited.
"I think I have just enough for..."
Furina reached into her back pocket, attempting to retrieve her purse when-
"Oh... I uh..."
Furina blushed,

"...i forgot my purse.."

𝐴 𝑇𝑖𝑝𝑠𝑦 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝐹𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒...~Where stories live. Discover now