Chapter 18

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A few days had passed since the encounter in the storage room, and the tension between Mr. Warrington and Louise still hung heavily in the air. Each time they found themselves in the same room, their eyes would meet, and the memories of that brief, intense moment would flood back. It was as if a hidden current continued to pull them together, despite their best efforts to maintain a respectable distance. One afternoon, Katherine and Louise were in Mr Warrington's grand library, enjoying the warmth from the fireplace and sipping tea. The shelves were lined with leather-bound books, their spines creased from years of use. The room was filled with the hushed whispers of pages being turned and the occasional chuckle as Katherine shared an amusing story from her dreams.

Katherine, with her bright eyes and inquisitive mind, was a joy to teach, and Louise found herself drawn to her infectious enthusiasm and eagerness to learn. There at the doorway stood Mr Warrington, a small smile forming on his lips as he watched them. She had caught his gaze on several occasions, his eyes lingering on her with a warmth that sent shivers down her spine. When their lesson drew to a close, Louise gathered her books and prepared to leave the library, her heart pounding with anticipation and nerves. As she turned to bid Katherine goodbye, she felt a presence behind her and stiffened, her breath catching in her throat. It was Mr. Warrington, watching her with an expression that sent a shiver down her spine.

"Good afternoon, Miss Louise," he greeted her, his voice deep and smooth.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Sebastian," Louise replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Their eyes met, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. The air crackled with an unspoken tension, and Louise felt a blush creeping up her cheeks. Sebastian's gaze was intense, his eyes boring into hers as if he was trying to unravel the mysteries of her soul.

"I hope Katherine's lessons were productive," he said, his voice low and husky.

"They were indeed," Louise replied, her voice gaining strength. "Katherine is a quick learner, and I always enjoy our time together." She paused, swallowing nervously as their eyes remained locked.

Sebastian nodded; his eyes still locked on hers. "She's very fortunate to have you as her teacher," he said, his voice soft and sincere. Their words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken emotions. Louise felt a surge of warmth in her chest, and Sebastian's gaze held her captive. She wanted nothing more than to lean in closer, to feel the heat of his breath on her skin. But she forced herself to remain still, to maintain the proper distance between them.

Suddenly, Sebastian took a step closer, his face inches from hers. Louise's breath caught in her throat as their eyes met, and she could feel the heat of his gaze burning into her skin. His lips were inches away from hers, and for a moment, she thought he might lean in and kiss her. But just as their lips were about to meet, Sebastian hesitated, his eyes filled with a mix of desire and regret. He pulled back slightly, his gaze dropping to her lips for a moment before returning to her eyes.

"I apologize if I've made you uncomfortable," he said softly. "It's not my intent. I only meant to express my gratitude for all that you do for Katherine." His words were like a knife to her heart, each syllable cutting deeper into the ache she felt inside. She wanted to believe him, but something in his eyes told her that there was more going on beneath the surface.

"I should get going," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "Thank you again for your kind words, Mr. Warrington."

Sebastian nodded; his expression unreadable. "I'll walk you to your chambers," he offered. Though his tone was polite, there was a hint of determination in his voice that Louise couldn't quite decipher. As they made their way through the hallways, the air between them felt charged with an unspoken tension. Louise struggled to keep her focus on her surroundings, her thoughts consumed by the man walking beside her.

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