Chapter 24

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Days had passed since Lady Cordelia's heartfelt plea, but the weight of the situation remained heavy on Louise's heart. As she finished her lesson with Katherine, she couldn't help but notice the distant look in her eyes, the air of melancholy that had settled around her. With a deep sigh, Louise gathered her things and made her way up across the hallway to her chambers. As she faced the staircase she paused, noticing Sebastian emerging from the opposite direction. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw the yearning in his eyes, the way he looked at her as if he couldn't live without her.

Louise turned around, her heart pounding in her chest. Sebastian was walking up the stairs, his eyes fixed on her. She could feel the intensity of his gaze burning through her skin. She started walked further down the hallway, hoping to put some distance between them.

"Miss Louise!" Sebastian called out, desperation colouring his voice. Louise halted, her heart racing, and turned to face him. "Yes Mr. Warrington?" she replied, struggling to maintain her composure. He took a deep breath, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat, before speaking.

"How many times must I ask that you call me Sebastian? You are my equal here, and my friend." he paused, his voice barely above a whisper.

"And as I have told you before, that would not be proper," Louise replied, her voice steady despite the turmoil within. "You are my employer, I your staff."

Stung by her blunt rejection, Sebastian grasped her arm as she turned to leave, pleading "Are you upset with me? Have I wronged you somehow?" The pain in his voice was palpable, and Louise found herself unable to resist the urge to comfort him.

Louise stiffened, the nearness of his touch igniting emotions within her she couldn't control. She took a deep breath, forcing herself to pull away gently. "You have done nothing inappropriate, sir. Now, by your leave." With that, she turned and hurried down the hallway, her steps growing faster with each passing moment.

Just as Louise left, Lady Cordelia swept into the room, her presence commanding attention. Her gaze fell upon Sebastian, her eyes sharp and piercing, her voice laced with a hint of accusation.

"What have you done?" she demanded, her tone laced with a mix of anger and disappointment.

Sebastian, caught off guard by his mother's sudden appearance, could only manage a stammered response. "What do you mean, Mother? I haven't done anything."

Lady Cordelia's eyes narrowed as she approached her son, her voice dropping to a hushed tone. "You harbour feelings for her, yet you are set to marry Lady Marianne."

Sebastian's heart sank as he met his mother's gaze, the weight of his guilt crushing him. He knew he had deceived Louise, leading her on with his unspoken affections while preparing to marry another.

"She is clearly upset, you have led her on," Lady Cordelia continued, her voice laced with reproach. "And yet, you stand here, ready to declare your union with Lady Marianne." Sebastian's jaw clenched, his hands balling into fists as he tried to defend his actions. "I have not said anything!" he exclaimed in desperation.

Lady Cordelia's lips curled into a knowing smile. "Your actions speak louder than words, Sebastian," she retorted, her voice firm and unwavering. "Do you love her?" she asked, gesturing toward the hallway where Louise had disappeared. Sebastian hesitated, the anguish in his eyes betraying his true feelings. He wanted to confess his love, to beg his mother for forgiveness and a chance to be with Louise. But the weight of his duty as an earl, as a member of society, held him back. He knew that admitting his love for Louise would not only ruin his engagement to Lady Marianne but would also bring scandal and shame upon their family name.

"I cannot," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I must do my duty."

"Do not think about your father, Sebastian," Lady Cordelia advised, her voice softening. "Think about yourself. What does your heart desire?" She paused, her gaze searching his face. Sebastian hesitated, his mind grappling with the conflicting emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. His love for Louise was undeniable, a flame that burned brightly despite the obstacles he faced.

"What about Katherine?" he asked, his voice laced with uncertainty. "Will she be okay with it?"

Lady Cordelia's eyes widened in surprise. "Katherine will accept Louise as her mother." she assured him. "She loves Louise as much as you do." Sebastian's heart skipped a beat at her words, a glimmer of hope igniting within him. But the weight of his responsibility still lingered. He took a deep breath, steeling himself against the turmoil of emotions that threatened to consume him.

"But this isn't about others, Sebastian," Lady Cordelia reminded him, her voice gentle yet firm. "It is about you. And I ask you once again, do you love her?" Her question hung in the air, a weighty challenge to his honour and integrity.

Sebastian looked up at his mother, his eyes filled with a newfound determination. "Yes," he said, his voice steady despite the turmoil within. "I love her." With those words, he felt a weight lift from his shoulders, a sense of freedom that he had not known in years. He had been living a lie, denying his true feelings in order to uphold the expectations of his title. But now, he was ready to embrace who he truly was and what he truly wanted.

Lady Cordelia smiled warmly at her son, "Then go after her, Sebastian," she urged, her voice filled with encouragement. "Follow your heart, no matter the cost." With newfound resolve, Sebastian rushed out of the hallway and towards the manor doors.

Lady Cordelia watched her son disappear from view, a mixture of pride and trepidation in her heart. She knew that Sebastian's decision to follow his heart would not be easy, nor would it come without consequences. But she also knew that her son was strong and capable of facing whatever challenges lay ahead. As she turned back toward her chambers, she couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them all.

Sebastian ran downstairs, looking for Louise. Then he saw Mr Davenport.

"Mr Warrington? Is everything alright?" Mr Davenport's voice boomed as Sebastian descended the stairs. The butler's eyes widened when they fell upon him, his expression a mixture of surprise and concern.

"No, no, everything is not alright," Sebastian blurted out, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "I must speak with Louise immediately."

Mr Davenport bowed his head slightly, his face pale. "I am afraid that Miss Louise has left the manor my lord. She departed in quite a hurry, saying that she had to clear her head."

"Do you know where she went? It's of the utmost importance that I speak with her immediately," Sebastian urged, his heart racing as he struggled to catch his breath.

"She went to the field behind the manor, my lord. She said she needed some time alone." Mr Davenport replied, his voice respectful but concerned. Sebastian nodded, already moving toward the exit. He was willing to fight for his love, no matter what obstacles lay in his path.

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