Chapter 44: End

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The sun streamed through the open curtains of their chamber, casting a warm golden glow across the bed. Sebastian's chest rose and fell gently with each breath, his arm still slung around her waist. Louise lay there for a moment, taking in the blissful silence and the comforting warmth of his body next to hers. She smiled, remembering the events of the previous day, feeling a contented glow in her heart.

But as she traced the line of Sebastian's jaw with her finger, the memory of their wedding night began to overwhelm her senses. She could feel the desire rising within her once again, the heat between her legs growing more insistent. She leaned forward, pressing her lips to his neck, feeling his muscles tense beneath her touch.

"Good morning, my love," Sebastian murmured, his voice still thick with sleep. He opened his eyes to find her staring at him, her expression a mix of adoration and desire. "What are you thinking about?" he asked, a playful note in his voice.

Louise leaned forward, her body weight shifting slightly as her hand slid down his chest, over his abdomen, and lower still. Her touch was light and teasing, causing Sebastian to suck in a sharp breath. "Nothing, can I not admire my husband?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. She traced a circle around his navel with her finger, feeling the fine hairs on his skin stand on end. "Are you not my husband? Does that not mean that I can touch you whenever I want?"

He let out a throaty laugh, his eyes closing briefly before he met hers once more. "Indeed, it does," he said, his voice husky with desire. "And I am most grateful for the privilege." With that, he pulled her closer, their bodies pressing together from chest to hip. His hand slid up her thigh, under the hem of her nightgown, and found the warm, damp fabric of her undergarments. "And what about this, my dear?" he asked, his voice a low growl. "Do you not want me to touch you here?"

At his words, she arched into his touch, her hips pressing against his hand in silent invitation. She could feel the heat building between them, could almost taste the desire in the air. Katherine and Theodore, dressed in their undergarments, burst into the room, their laughter filling the air. Startled, Sebastian and Louise sprang apart, their bodies aflame with embarrassment.

"Katherine! Theodore!" Louise exclaimed, blushing as she tried to compose herself. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, hello there, Mother," Katherine said with a playful wink. "We just came to say good morning to my dear father and to wish him and you a wonderful first day of married life." She stepped forward and joined them on the bed, snuggling up against Louise's side.

"And what about you, Theodore?" Sebastian asked, reaching out to ruffle the boy's hair. "Would you like to say hello too?"

Theodore, his cheeks still flushed and nodded shyly. Sebastian lifted him up onto the bed, and the boy crawled over to cuddle up against his father's side. "Good morning, Papa," he said softly.

Katherine glanced between them, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Well, I hope you two don't mind," she teased. "I think Theodore and I might just stay for breakfast."

As the family settled in together on the bed, Sebastian could feel the warmth and love that filled the room. He glanced over at Louise, her hand resting gently on Katherine's knee, her expression one of contentment and happiness. Despite their interrupted moment earlier, he couldn't help but feel grateful for this new life they were beginning together.

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