Chapter 34

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The long carriage ride back to Creekwood Seminary felt endless to Louise. She wept inconsolably for much of the journey, her heart shattered into countless pieces. The anguish and despair now consuming her were all too familiar - she finally understood the depth of pain and hopelessness that had tormented poor Mary.

Louise gazed mournfully out the window at the passing scenery, though it was all a blur through her tears. She wondered if she would ever feel whole again after leaving her one chance at true love and happiness behind. The heartbreak seemed almost too heavy to bear.

Yet as the miles slowly passed, Louise knew she had no choice but to carry on. She wiped her eyes resolutely, straightening her shoulders. Her future was now veiled in uncertainty, but she would face it with courage. Louise knew she would cling to the cherished memories of Sebastian and Katherine always, drawing strength from their love as she started a new chapter of her life.

As the carriage pulled into the courtyard of Creekwood Seminary, she steeled herself for the reunion with her classmates, dreading the inevitable questions about her sudden and unexpected departure from the Warrington estate.

The carriage halted and Louise saw a familiar figure waiting by the door - Headmaster Caldwell. He looked solemn as he took in her reddened eyes and swollen nose. "Miss Louise," he said softly, offering his hand to help her from the carriage.

"I received a letter from Lord Warrington dismissing you from your position as governess." Headmaster Caldwell's words were like a dagger to Louise's heart. She knew what this meant. She was no longer part of Sebastian's life. Louise simply nodded, too heartsick for words.

"Your old teaching post is still available, should you want it," the headmaster offered gently. "It has been made clear that your dismissal was not a reflection of your performance as a governess, but rather a personal matter between you and the Warrington family."

"I would be honoured," Louise managed to reply.

"I am sure you remember your old quarters," said Mr. Caldwell. Louise nodded once more.

As she turned to go inside, the headmaster studied her with concern. Something tragic had clearly happened at the manor, but he knew better than to pry. He watched her walk away, shoulders slumped in defeat, and wondered how she would find the strength to pick up the pieces of her shattered life.

Louise made her way through the dreary halls to her small, damp chambers, just as she recalled. Placing her box of belongings on the bed, she sank down onto the hard mattress, burying her face in her hands. The familiar smell of musty books and damp wool surrounded her, bringing back memories of the first day she had arrived at Creekwood Seminary. It seemed like a lifetime ago. She opened the tiny window overlooking the schoolyard.

In the days that followed, Louise resumed teaching, but her heart was no longer in it. The pain of her loss was a constant, throbbing ache that seemed to grow worse with each passing hour. She would gaze out the window during class, her mind wandering back to the warmth of Sebastian's touch and the love that had once filled her life.

Her pupils were delighted to have her back, but they quickly noticed the change in her. The once stern but kind governess was now subdued, with a profound sadness lurking in her eyes. At night, she wept inconsolably into her pillow, missing Sebastian terribly.

Hours turned into days, and days into weeks. Louise found herself lost in a haze of loneliness and despair. She tried to distract herself with her work, but the shadow of Sebastian loomed large over every aspect of her life. She longed to feel the warmth of his touch and the comfort of his embrace.

During classes, Louise struggled to focus, her thoughts consumed by bittersweet memories. But she persevered, determined to move forward with her life, however heavy her heart remained.

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