Oneshot - Happy Birthday Himiko!

32 1 14

Himiko's birthday: 12/3

Himiko is kinda over hated so she deserves this 😤
i havent written her much, especially in this context; please give feedback, just don't be an ass

help there are only so many story lines for this shit 😭

No Killing Game AU
Highschool AU

No Killing Game AUHighschool AU_____________________________________________________________________________________________

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You were at Himiko's magic show, and you sat backstage, waiting for her. You were one of the very few people who knew the secrets to her tricks, and you got benefits because of that. You also got benefits as you were her partner— but that was obvious, wasn't it?

You enjoyed bringing her snacks and water in between breaks in her show, as the show lasted for around 3 hours. Speaking that loud in front of a crowd and preforming for them would be hell without support. Luckily, you were the best support she could ever ask for. You even helped her with stage fright, saying that you would shut off the spotlight and help her if she messed up.

A certain someone though, was a bit jealous of your relationship with Himiko, and they weren't afraid to help Himiko as much as possible. Doesn't sound too bad until you hear how they keep trying to make moves at her while doing so. Thankfully, Himiko can be a bit... oblivious to flirting, and Angie always steps in when you aren't there.

If you haven't gotten the hint, the simp / Miss Steal-Yo'-Gurl is Tenko Chabashira.

One day, Himiko got offered to get a lead role in a play. It was (any play or musical where the 2 main characters kiss).

(no, i'm not too lazy to find a musical/play, i swear!)

Once it was announced, the aforementioned simp immediately tried to convince her and Himiko to get the lead two roles. Y'know, the ones where they are a couple? Yeah, you said hell nah to that quicker than Kokichi could lie. You didn't want to seem overbearing, though, and didn't want to intrude. The two sides of your brain practically threw hands.

You decided to let Himiko take care of it— mostly. Whenever Tenko tried to convince Himiko, you recommended her a different role more suited to her abilities. Similar to patronizing her— but you really didn't want to! You hated every second of talking to Tenko like like... up until she retorted with something along the lines of "Me and Himiko are better suited for each other!" and you lost all remorse.

Himiko was actually pretty good at dodging Tenko's advances, whether she meant to or otherwise. She was either oblivious enough for it to completely fly over her head (r/wooosh) or she realized what Tenko was trying to do and played it off well.

Back to present time (/ very start of the story), Himiko was just finishing up her performance. You already had a water bottle, her favorite snacks, and a towel. She gratefully took the water bottle and drank as you wiped her forehead.

- "Nyeh... thank you." Himiko said.

- "No problem, my mage. I need to make sure you are in tip-top shape! We can't have the Ultimate Mage, and my adorable girlfriend, not doing well, can we?" You compliment.

- "Nyeh...." Himiko blushed, but it faded as soon as Tenko approached.

- "That was an amazing performance, Himiko! Are you hurt? Are you alright? Do you need any water, snacks, a towel?" Tenko exclaimed, listing off the items already in your hand.

- "I'm fine... my partner already helped me." Himiko denied, giving you a grateful look that you returned with a smile.

-  "W-Well do you need anything else at all?! If you're hurt my saliva has healing properties!"

-  "Himiko is fine, don't worry Tenko." You but in, trying to hold back your disgust.

-  "I wasn't asking you!" Tenko snapped at you.
[If female presenting: You were surprised that a girl-kissed like her would snap at you. Wasn't she against men?]
[If male presenting: That's to be expected.]
[If BAHAAH FUCK GENDER presenting: Wooooow. Now she's against you too? Not cool Tenko.]

-  "Nyehh..! D-Don't speak to them like that..." Himiko defended you. You almost 'aaaawwwwwhh' -ed out loud.

-  "Himiko, I wanted to ask you a question! Are you taking the role-" Tenko ignored Himiko's concern for you and immediately tried to shoot-her-shot for the 23rd time today.

-  "Depends if They/I get the second role." You and Himiko replied at the same time.

-  "T-Then can i take the role instead?" Tenko asked, though it sounded like a demand. You were not stepping down that easily.

-  "No. You can be (side character with a dress), though! It should still be open." You recommend, knowing full well that Kokichi took that role. Why he joined in on the play you didn't know, but you DID know that it was going to be hilarious to see him absolutely SLAY the dress.

-  "I want to spend time with Himiko, though!" Tenko retorted.

-  "Y'know... most time will be rehearsing lines and not kissing... right?" You say as Tenko visibly flinched back.

-  "You still need to rehearse the act!" Tenko trie to argue. You attempted to reply, but Himiko took care of it.

-  "Nyehh... I'm happily in love with (Y/N), not you. I'm sorry, Tenko. I'm not going to kiss you, play/musical or otherwise." Himiko said sternly. "I'm not going to leave them for you. I'm never going to cheat on them. Please, get the hint and move on."

-  "..grrrgh!" Tenko (grunted? cried? what goes here.!?), tears stinging at her eyes and she jogged off somewhere.

-  "Oh noooo! Atua says to go help her! Be back soon!" Angie came out of Atua-knows-where and followed after Himiko.

-  "Thank you, my mage." You thank Himiko, taking off her hat and patting her head.

-  "Nyehhh... it was tiring but no problem. Can we go now? I'm tired."

-  "Of course, my mage needs her beauty rest."

You and Himiko went back to the dorms, and since Himiko wanted to snuggle, you went to your dorm. Miu of course made a sex joke, but stopped once you gave her a stern glare. Himiko changed into new clothes as you prepared her birthday gift and cake. (yall thought i forgot it was her birthday, huh? not even tenko knew somehow)

When Himiko stepped out of the bathroom, you had a gift bag read with a small cake in your hands, sitting on your bed. You split the cake and ate while you sang Happy Birthday to her. Once you both were done and also ate some actual food (aka takeout you got on the way), you handed Himiko the bag. Surrounded in tissue paper was a small red box that contained a friendship— or I guess relationship necklace, shaped like a heart with red and (favorite color besides red) gems. There was also a new wand, some brand new cards, and bird feed for the doves used in her tricks.

Himiko hugged you as you helped put the items back into the bag for her to take the next morning and you lay down, signaling for her to lay down.

"Goodnight, my mage." You say.

"Nyehh... goodnight, sweetheart." Himiko replied.

You blushed mildly, not used to the pet name, but you fell asleep comfortably regardless.


(Word Count: 1234)

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