Chapter 37

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Luo Huai Yuan left the Zhenguo Duke Estate at the same time Yan Ting returned. He prepared to move into the newly constructed fourth prince's estate.

Because of the conflicting schedules, Luo Huai Yuan didn't inform Yan Yan. He merely had Shen Qi send Yan Yan a letter prior to his departure. He also told them that once he settled in, he would invite them over to play.

Luo Huai Yuan had left with extremely tragic emotions. He couldn't bear to leave the Zhenguo Duke Estate. It wasn't that he had grown attached to the place. It was just his most convenient option of encountering the little consort.

But as he said before, she had to go back and face things. He had to do the same.

Regardless, for the sake of not going down the same path as his past life, he had to do far too many things in this one. He didn't have the spare time to mope around.

Yan Yan received his letter the moment she returned to the Ningxiang Chambers. The servants said it was sent over by young master Qi. It was a real letter, and not just a spoken message.

There was a stamped seal on the envelope, most likely to prevent others from seeing its contents. There were several large words on the envelope: To dear little sis Ah Yan. The words weren't too good looking and looked like a trembling scrawl. It looked like the writer wasn't incapable of writing neatly, but didn't feel like doing so and purposefully did this.

Seeing these words, Yan Yan immediately thought of the winking little fatty and couldn't help but smile.
Yan Mo was walking in the courtyard with the maids. Yan Yan gave him a glance and took the letter to the western room.

The letter was written on a thin piece of plain letter paper. Yan Yan unfolded it and read the words on the page.

This letter was written differently from others. Normally letters were written from right to left. This one was written from top to bottom. Yan Yan was a little startled when she first saw it, but she was able to clearly understand it.

There was this symbol at the very beginning:

It took a while for Yan Yan to figure out what this circle represented. It seemed to be a little person looking aggrieved and upset. Yan Yan felt she didn't guess wrongly after slowly reading onwards.

o(-^-+)o Little sis Ah Yan. Well met by letter:

When you didn't come send me off as I was leaving, my heart almost broke ~('^')~, but thinking of how you had things going on, I could only restrain my mournful emotions....

I left silently, just like how I arrived quietly. I waved my sleeves and took with me a large seven-colored cloud. The cloud contains you, me and also little second Shen, that stinky brat.....

Really can't bear to leave you guys!
Wait until I've settled down. I'll send a letter over. You guys have to come over at that time.

Yan Yan's brows first trembled, and then she started laughing silently. Finally, she couldn't help but laugh out loud, and then laughed until she couldn't stand straight.

Her slender fair fingers traced over those strange symbols. For some reason, she felt those round circles came together to form the chubby face in her memories. That chubby face was making all sorts of weird expressions, either upset or cheerful or aggrieved, looking extremely lifelike....

Really, this little fatty truly knew how to make others laugh!

Without even mentioning those little face, just the tone of the letter was enough to evoke the memories of a large aggrieved-looking chubby face in Yan Yan's mind.

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