Chapter 126

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While things were boiling over outside, Yan Yan and Luo Huai Yuan withdrew back into the Xianyun Hall and minded their own business.

During the New Year's festival, there were many banquets at the palace. As a prince and consort, Yan Yan and Luo Huai Yuan had to attend almost all of them. After a few times, Yan Yan also became experienced. She no longer sat there from start to finish. Instead, she would take opportunities to go get some air when no one was watching. After all, this sort of banquet lasted a while and it was truly dull.

The air was filled with cold moisture, making every breath feel refreshing. When Yan Yan figured it was about time, she went back inside from the backdoor. The palace maids she encountered on the way merely assumed the fourth consort had gone to change.

When she returned to her seat, it didn't attract any attention. Lu Xiu Ling gave Yan Yan a glance but then ignored her.

Today was the last day the people from Ryukyu, Korea and other nations would be in the capital. Therefore, Emperor Xi put on a grand banquet to see them off. The location was still the same as during New Year's Eve, but this time there were no people from Fusang messing things up.

Yan Yan felt extremely bored and dully sipped the alcohol at her table. This alcohol was especially for women. It was sweet and sour and extremely tasty. Yan Yan had unknowingly finished a jug.

The palace maids serving her saw that her alcohol jug was empty and brought another one over, helping her refill her cup.

There was a group of performers dancing to music. The dancing was truly nice to look at initially, but after seeing it repeatedly it wasn't a big deal anymore. Yan Yan had looked into it before. They seemed to only know those few dance routines, and the movements were pretty much similar. Their arms and waists were soft without any strength. Yan Yan would rather have someone go perform a sword dance.

It wasn't clear if she had drank too much, but Yan Yan felt a little warm and stuffy. She couldn't help but fan herself with her hand. The palace maid filling up her alcohol wasn't expecting it and the wine was knocked over due to her suddenly raising her arm.

"Fourth consort, this servant didn't do it on purpose."

That palace maid used a handkerchief to wipe Yan Yan off in a panic, but unfortunately the alcohol had quickly seeped into her clothing, leaving behind a rose-red stain.

"It's fine."

Yan Yan waved her hand. She didn't blame her.
The empress seemed to have noticed something and spoke quietly to the palace maid by her side.

Xiang Ping walked over and asked what happened.
That palace maid quietly explained the situation. Yan Yan helped speak up for her: "It didn't have anything to do with her. This seat accidentally bumped into her."

"You must be more careful in the future, why aren't you thanking the fourth consort for her magnanimity?"

"Thank you, consort."

Xiang Ping spoke again: "Fourth consort, the weather is cold and you can't wear wet and stained clothing. How about this servant have this lass take you to get changed?"

Yan Yan thought this made sense. It was better to mind her appearance at such an event, so she stood up.

There were several private rooms at the Jiying Hall used for drunk people to rest and sober up. That palace maid led Yan Yan away from the side hall and the two walked along the walkway.

On the way they ran into a eunuch. That eunuch was around thirty years old, his face pale and hairless. The corner of his eyes had some slight wrinkles from smiling. Seeing Yan Yan, he seemed a little surprised. He glanced at the two of them before lowering his head and clasping his hands, standing against the wall. When the two of them went past, he raised his head and looked at their fading figures.

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