Chapter 128

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The fourth prince estate's servants were all chosen from the nobodies within the palace. Only those who weren't favored in the palace would be sent to the fourth prince estate.

At first, those people inevitably felt resentful and felt their future was dark. After staying at the fourth prince estate for a while, they felt it was actually quite pleasant. No matter how they put it, it was quiet, peaceful and without any struggles. It wasn't like the palace where people would randomly die.

Once they got used to these pleasant days, everyone started to rather like this place. The master wasn't harsh and he currently wasn't in the estate. They just had to follow the rules and do what they needed to do. No one would scold them. It was like their own little paradise.

Yan Yan's dowry had been brought into the fourth prince estate on the day of the wedding. Although the fourth highness and his consort ended up living in the palace, the maids that came along with the dowry settled into the estate.

The estate's general manager Eunuch Xi was someone who didn't speak much. After arranging Yan Yan's maids into the main residence, he washed his hands of the matter. People naturally came to tell them the rules of the estate. Matron Zou was an experienced person. As the nana that came as part of Yan Yan's dowry, she took charge and made sure Yan Yan's residence was in proper order.

The fourth prince estate's servants treated them very politely. Without considering anything else, just the main residence's appearance made it clear what the consort's position was in his highness's heart. Those who didn't wish to court death thus behaved. They were all just nobodies in some remote place anyway. There was no reason to struggle over this and that.
Therefore, the fourth prince estate was currently at peace.

On this day, hearing that the fourth prince and consort were returning to the estate, they had started preparing bright and early. The Yanran Residence was also filled with excitement.

There were naturally people who heard that the couple had been kicked out of the palace. The servants in the estate were unfazed. Some of the little lasses in the Yanran Residence were anxious and unsettled but the veterans in the estate comforted them. This wasn't a big deal. Back then, his highness had been expelled from the palace when he was around ten. This time would be his third time. Don't be scared, no need to be scared!

It wasn't clear how Luo Huai Yuan would react if he knew the servants in his estate were roasting him.
Before long, Luo Huai Yuan and Yan Yan's carriage arrived at the front doors.

Due to a moment of interest, Luo Huai Yuan decided to give Yan Yan a tour of the fourth prince estate.

The carriage which contained their luggage entered from the western corner gate. The two prepared to stroll around the estate accompanied by Mei Xiang, Xiao An Zi and the rest. Eunuch Xi was supposed to come as well, but Luo Huai Yuan saw this old fellow's reluctant appearance and let him take his leave.

Eunuch Xi saluted and swiftly took his leave. His steps were swift and didn't match his aged appearance. Yan Yan had been wondering why the general manager was such an old eunuch when she saw this, and felt amazement in her heart.

"Don't mind that old fellow. All he knows to do is put on an act."

Eunuch Xi stumbled upon hearing this. The low-ranked eunuch next to him hurriedly supported him and the two disappeared from view.

"Your words are always so unpleasant." Yan Yan scolded him.

He smiled flatteringly: "All my pleasant words end up being said to you."

Yan Yan gave him a glare and continued walking. He hurriedly followed behind her.

The entire fourth prince estate was over eighty mu in area. According to regulations, this naturally wasn't sufficient for a prince. However, the inner city only had so much land. It was already pretty good for the fourth prince estate to have such a large spot.

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