Chapter 148

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Xue-shi brought her two sons and rode the carriage all the way to the Fu Province.

When they entered its borders, they could see that this place was just as flourishing as the capital. By the time they arrived at the Fu Province City, the three of them had their horizons expanded.

The streets were wide enough for four carriages to drive along and the road was neat and clean. The various-sized buildings on either side had curved awnings, many of them being stores and restaurants of all kinds. There were many people going to and fro on the streets, their clothing bright. There were also quite a few weirdly dressed foreigners with eyes and hair that were different colors compared to the people of the Grand Xi.

Xue-shi felt she was in a daze. Yan Xiao and Yan Rui were the same way.

Because Yan Zhi didn't know when they would arrive, there wasn't anyone there to receive them. Luckily, for the sake of their safety, Shen Yi Yao had sent four guards to escort them on their trip. They also brought along some errand boys, maids and grannies. They found an inn to stay at before ordering someone to send Yan Zhi a letter informing him of their arrival.

When the guard delivered the letter, Yan Zhi hadn't been home. Only when it was almost dark did he hurry over.

Xue-shi's eyes turned red on the spot when she saw him.

This was because Yan Zhi had gotten thinner and tanner. He wasn't as fair or portly as before, and looked like he aged quite a bit.

Xue-shi was both excited and saddened. She cried for a long while. Yan Zhi busied himself with comforting her, saying persistently that he hadn't suffered hardship. The reason he lost weight and got tanned was merely due to the hot climate.

After a round of fussing, the group of people dragged their luggage over to Yan Zhi's newly-bought residence.

Yan Zhi was a prudent person. Despite having enough to buy a larger place, he wasn't that extravagant. Therefore, he bought an unobtrusive three-compound residence. It wasn't big but it wasn't small. It was enough for their family of four.
After they settled down and had dinner, the couple sat together and spoke about what they each encountered after separating.

When the old madam's death was mentioned, Yan Zhi was a little silent. In theory, not going back home for the funeral wasn't a filial act. However, he didn't know if this opportunity would still be waiting for him if he had to leave for three years.

Xue-shi comforted him and said that she and their sons had observed the old madam's wake and were in mourning according to convention. They had also made all the offerings and burned the incense as required. Xue-shi was even still wearing plain clothing, and apart from a single silver hairpin, she merely had a white pearl flower in her hair.

Yan Zhi wasn't an inflexible person and no longer looked depressed. Afterwards, he took out a chest from under the bed and had Xue-shi open it with a rather meaningful expression.

Xue-shi opened the chest and was essentially stunned.

It wasn't because there was some huge amount of money inside. It was because she knew Yan Zhi had just purchased this residence. With the Fu Province flourishing, house prices were definitely not low. Such a place definitely cost over a thousand taels, but with all the gold, silver and banknotes inside the chest, there was around eight thousand taels inside.
Xue-shi's heart beat wildly. She first didn't dare to believe it, and was then pleasantly surprised. Then, she became worried.

"Hurry and tell me. Did you take bribes or do something illegal?"

She repeatedly questioned him until Yan Zhi swore he didn't do anything of the sort before she felt relieved. After the two got in bed, Yan Zhi told her the details involved.

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