6. our space

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Walking down the hall, your eyes searched the bustling heads for a specific giant. After that one night a couple days ago, the first thing you wanted to do as soon as you got to school was to thank Niki. You weren't gonna lie you were impressed at how quickly the boy improvised the idea that he was your boyfriend, so a thank you seems quite necessary. As if on cue, you finally caught sight of the boy in question. You walked a little quicker- curse his lanky legs- until you could finally reach out and tap his shoulder. But before you could, a girl quickly pulled Niki to the side. "Hi Nikiiii! Are you going to my party tonight?". She glared daggers at you. You were too familiar with that shrill voice. Shein (yes the clothing website idk what name to use) always had it out for you. You didn't do anything to her per say, but you were a big part of Wonyoung winning against her during the campaign. So of course she's holding some type of grudge against the both of you. You didn't stick around to hear Niki's answer. You knew he would be there cause of the basketball guys.

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"Wonie please people are staring."


"Inside voices please."

"Sorry", muttered Wonie as she picks at her food,"I just have a bad feeling."


"I know how she is. She has a big crush on Niki and now that she knows you guys interact, she's gonna make your life a living hell."

You groaned and slumped in your chair. This is the last thing you wanted to happen. Wonie pats your head, giving you a sympathetic look. She understands the way you are. You don't like unnecessary attention.

"Do you know what would make you feel better?"


"Going to a party!"




"That's the point", smirked Wonyoung,"We'll make a statement by showing up even though we weren't invited."

"You just want to get drunk."

"You know me so well."

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Losing your best friend at a party isn't something new. You knew she thrived in this environment so the least you could do was let her do her thing but remain at the party in case she needed you. When you both walked in, the look of disgust and frustration on Shein's face humored you both for a while. She was clearly agitated about something as she paced around the house. She must be looking for someone. But you yourself were starting to get agitated as well. Your tight black dress was suffocating you as if you were back in the Renaissance era. As if whalebone was crushing your false ribs and thoracic organs. The humidity of the house filled with sweaty bodies was also another factor. Growing tired of the environment, you escaped up the stairs and made your way into a random room at the end of the hall. As soon as you opened the door you made eye contact with a certain figure. He was sitting at the edge of the bed, hands in his letterman, and one earphone in his ear while the other dangled loosely. He turned around, annoyance in his eyes at first, until they quickly softened.

"Hi y/n."

"Hi Niki."

"I'll leave you alone", you said hurriedly as you rushed to close the door. "No! I mean-you can stay. If you want." Niki prayed you couldn't see his flushed face. "Okay", you mumble as you hesitantly walk toward him. You sit on the opposite side of the bed, making sure to leave space for God. "I didn't expect to see you here", Niki says as he takes out his earphones.

"I'm not a big party person. Just here to support my friend's love of getting drunk. Shouldn't you be with yours?" Niki thought about it then shrugged,"Parties aren't my thing either but my friends really wanted me to come." Silence filled the room, just as it was before you decided to barge in.

"Thank you...for the other day."

Niki took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. "I'm glad I got there when I did. Why were you up so late?"

Maybe it was the atmosphere. Maybe you were tired. Maybe it was because he saved you. You weren't sure, but at that moment, you didn't feel like lying to him. "Ever since I left my hometown to come to Seoul for university, I'm not able to sleep at night. At first I thought it was just nervousness, but it's been months and I'm still facing the same problem", you huffed as you hugged your body in an attempt to keep yourself warm. You glanced up at Niki, startled to see that he was already looking at you.

"Tell me about your hometown."

And so for the remainder of the party you spent telling the boy of your family, your neighbors, the ocean that surrounded most of the town, the lake you would ice skate at during the winter when it froze over, the strawberry patch that grew the best strawberries. And when you finally ran out of things to talk about, you talked about your camera and photography. How you picked up the hobby when you moved. How Wonyoung forced you to be a part of student council because of your 'talent'. And when you finally ran out of things to talk about, you talked about music and which songs Niki really liked and which one you really liked. Somewhere along your conversation, you shared an earphone with Niki as you showed him some new songs. The space for God long forgotten. His letterman jacket draped warmly over your shoulders.

𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚 - 𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐚 𝐫𝐢𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now