12. who's that pokemon?

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knock. knock. knock. knock. knock.

The sound of faint knocks on your front door break you from your concentration. Concentrating on what exactly, you had no clue. But you could recognize those knocks anywhere. Wonyoung knows how scary it could be to live alone, so of course like the angel she is, she made a recognizable knocking pattern to ease your anxiety of getting kidnapped. How thoughtful.

Opening your door, you were met with your best friend, immediately taking notice of the worried expression that riddled her features. She quickly engulfed you in a tight hug, and you couldn't tell if her intentions were to comfort you or herself, but you couldn't help the feeling that overtakes your body, comparable to weights being lifted from your shoulders. You reciprocated instantly, pulling her closer and whispering quietly,"What's wrong?" She quickly pulled away from your embrace, firmly gripping your upper arms.


"One of my side hoes?"


For the first time in your life, you considered lying to your friend. Honestly, you've never experienced the bipolarity of emotions when having a crush on someone. It was never a topic of discussion that fell on your end. Everything is so foreign to you. But as you looked at your friend who clearly worried all day, all the pent up emotions started to well up in your sternum, moving up to your throat, and finally arriving to your eyes. Tears welled into the pair, blurring your vision completely, until they forced their way down your face. You clenched your fists and choked back a cry. "I'm so sorry." Wonyoung watched your eyes sadly, taking a deep breath. She slowly let go of your arms, instead delicately taking ahold of your hands, unclenching them and filling the space with her own. "Take your time. We can talk when you're ready."

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After you calmed down, you told Wonyoung all the feelings you had bottled up for the past week. All the moments that she wasn't aware of. Specifically the day of the game and the events that occurred in the morning. It was stupid really. Why did you feel so strongly about Niki talking to another person? You voiced all your confusion to her, and she listened intently. "Look y/n, it's obvious you both like each other. What's holding you back?" You couldn't answer her, simply because you didn't know yourself. "If I were you, I would've snatched him from her immediately, I bet he would love that too." You giggled at her commentary. "But seriously y/nie, stop holding back the way you feel. Not just with Niki but ESPECIALLY FROM YOUR BEST FRIEND HELLO???? I'm your best friend for a reason. It's part of the job requirement."

You sighed, looking down at your hands. "I'm sorry, I just didn't know what to do. A part of me also has this feeling."

"What feeling?"

"The feeling that he's just messing around with me. I've never experienced any type of attention from a guy before. It scares me so much Wonie."

It was now your friend's turn to sigh. "Yeah, I agree with you. As much as I adore the dynamic between you and him, I can't help but also get that uneasiness. Jocks, especially college jocks, are like hungry vermin. Always finding their next prey. And it doesn't help that they're continuously put on pedestals."

There was a long pause as you both looked off into space.

"But if it makes you feel any better, I wasn't the only one who was worried about you. You should've seen the look on Niki's face when he walked into class today. He looked like a sad lost puppy. Pathetic for such a tall boy seriously."

"Hey don't be so mean", you say playfully smacking her arm.

"Okayokay. Sorry. Anyways, I really think you should talk to him soon. It doesn't have to be tomorrow, but don't avoid the boy for too long. He might implode."

You nod in agreement.

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niki's pov

"She still not here?" I looked up to see my friends standing at the doorway of Jungwon's class. It had been two days. Two whole days since the disappearance of y/n. I was contemplating putting up missing poster signs. 'Please find the love of my life. I'll give you all the money I have.' I shook my head sadly, not even hiding my disappointment. They all gathered around me, Jake patting my back as he leaned on Jungwon's desk. "Sorry bud looks like you scared her away." I knew he was joking, but honestly I think that's exactly what's going on. Jungwon smacked the back of Jake's head,"Don't be an asshole Jake." The group held sympathy for the boy. They had never seen him like this before. "Cheer up Niki! You have tons of girls who'd give up anything to be with you. Like that girl Shein, she's head over heels in love with you." I scoffed in annoyance. What does that even matter if I can't have the one I truly want? "So what?" I said bluntly. They all looked at me as if I just confessed to a murder. "Niki she's literally the most popular girl in your grade. And she's rich af."

It's like something in me snapped. "Okay and all she does is follow me around like a weirdo. It's irritating. I don't like her in that way and you all know that." I grabbed my bag and left quickly, ignoring the calls from my friends. Fuck school. Fuck everyone. I'm going home.

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"Did you record that?"

"Yup. Shein's not gonna be happy."

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a/n: haii guys 💁🏻‍♀️ sorry for being so inactive lol. i know this chapter's kinda boring but i needa build up the plot somehow. i promise it'll get better soon (these next few chapters will have you all in mental anguish)! ALSO THANK YOU FOR THE COMMENTS AND STUFF UR ALL SO CUTE > <

me seeing all the enhypen concert videos in singapore:

me seeing all the enhypen concert videos in singapore:

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